Really? Was Meles Zenawi a visionary leader?

Sure, one’s hero is others’ villain. You and selected few, might consider him as such. With all due respect, Sir, Meles was an unparalleled apartheid leader and a dictator in the 21st century. Ethiopian and world media have for the last one year abundantly chronicled his atrocities.

Mr. Adhanom, I thought your current position have taught you a lesson. As the head of #WHO (a UN organization), you have had ample opportunities to learn and see what a heroic act and a hero is.

Let Meles’ soul rest in peace (wherever it might be). But don’t remind us the living the immeasurable suffering his deeds caused to us. Don’t paint him as a hero to the rest of the world because he was not. I don’t recall who said “the TPLF’s toxic and malignant legacy” will continue to hunt Ethiopia for the next few years. Finally, I am sure you are aware of this fact:

Three numbers tell your legacy well [see Forbes, 3 March 2017], as the former Ethiopian Health Minister [recipient of the largest chunk of foreign aid] and member of the ‘gang’:

1. You and your gang stayed in power for 27 years,

2. The amount of American (only) financial aid received by Ethiopian government since your group took power was $30 billion

3. The amount stolen by Ethiopia’s leaders since it took power 28 years ago was $30 billion

I don’t need to tell you what that enormous sum was meant for. Thus, I am writing this piece mainly because your tweet reminded me a quote that goes like - “the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

#WHO #HealthForAll #Africa #MelesZenawi


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