A Really Good Beating
It started out to be a very pleasant day where the temps were hovering in the 50s, but all of a sudden the skies clouded up and the thermometer started dropping, and then the wind picked up with the arrival of the cold rain. Thank goodness I had my winter coat with me because the weather became nasty this afternoon.
I’m still in shock over how slow our market has become, and in spite of there being a few new listings coming on, there really hasn’t been any indicators of it changing. Yes, we’re still supposed to be in the middle of winter, but even so, in years past, there would be far more activity than there is right now.
There were several errands I had to run, but for the most part, I was pretty much confined to my office for most of the day, but for whatever reason, I was on the phone with real estate calls more than I was off of it. There were several times where I had multiple calls while on the phone which ended up being voicemails I then had to return.
If anyone would ask me what those calls were all about, I’d have to say the bulk of them were from real estate related advice seekers, so if I were like some professionals, I would’ve had a long billing sheet filled out, which brings me back to what I’ve told a few over the years whenever thinking I don’t provide enough community service, when being quick to tell them how often I freely give direction and counsel to those in need of it. I believe the reason more call on me, is they’ve come to understand that I have no hidden agendas and definitely not a gossiper, which is an assurance to them that I’m not out there sharing their personal information to every Tom, Dick and Harry. Oh, and don’t even get me started on those whom I’ve long ago branded ‘town criers’, and thank goodness they know better than thinking I’ll grab onto their dirty tales.
While on the phone with a past client today, he went onto say how disgusted he’s been over a certain businessperson not returning his calls. Well, blunt me simply said, “Why would he call you back when he knows you’re not a prime target for enriching himself?” Since I’m bound to keep that person’s name private, I dare say from the first time I met him a number of years ago, it didn’t take me long to realize how finely-tuned his abilities were when it came to working the crowd. He’s another one who keeps more than an arm’s length distance from me, and only because he knows, that I know.
I couldn’t help mentioning how much I hope our City Administrator finds another job, because there’s no question in my mind, there will be a shake-up in our city’s government, and especially if we get a few more intelligent Council members elected, and for sure that dirty ‘buddy system’ will be going bye-bye. Just remember, advancements are to be made only on one’s merit, irregardless how ‘close’ they’ve become with their superiors. It’s all become far too toady as far as I’m concerned.
Yesterday’s showing went well enough to where I now have a second showing scheduled for it this weekend, so hopefully I’ll be able to get it sold, just so everyone can move on. With the changing attitudes of buyers over these past twenty years, it’s become far more difficult to sell homes that need work, and we can blame HDTV and all the other social medias which promote ‘turn-key’ home buying, along with parents having spoiled their children to the point where they can’t even complete the simplest of maintenance tasks on their homes. Yes, we can also blame a big part of it on our living in the age of specialization.
While in the online news today, I just had to read an article about narcissists who’ve been ‘revealed’, and the things they do afterwards. Oh my gosh! I was shocked when discovering how many people I know who’re definitely narcissistic, and one of them in particular happens to be a family member. Thank goodness I cut those ties some years ago, and yes, I took a really good ‘beating’ for it. So if you’re curious about the content of that article, I’ve added the link below. Pretty scary if you ask me.
I also happened to notice another obituary in the paper of a person I’d worked with a number of years ago, and quite shocked over it because he really wasn’t that old, so I’ll have to stop and purchase a sympathy card for the family. The deaths in North Iowa are definitely piling up of late.
The highlight of my day was having encountered a young gentleman in possession of a distinct southern voice, and of course I couldn’t help mentioning how unusual it is to find someone living this far north with such an accent. Of course wicked me had to begin speaking with my faux southern accent along with using words like ‘fixin’ and ‘ya’ll’ which had him in stitches. After we had our good laugh, as he was walking away he hollered back, “You’ve definitely got it down!” Too funny.
Some of my vegetable seed orders have already arrived, which now has me even more on a burn to get my garden plan laid out for this coming season. Of course I will be rotating crops, just to stay on the safe side, and since I hadn’t planted potatoes for a good five years, I decided to have them this time around. The variety I ordered are the German ones which are very popular with the higher-end restaurants. They’re a much later variety, but from what I’ve read, they’ll be worth the wait.
Oh, I forgot to add a few words about the owners of In Home Optics who’ve been serving North Iowa for a good many years, and I dare say, I haven’t had one person complain about their services, so if you’re looking for a great selection of glasses with hometown service, make sure to stop by or give them a call, and for sure, the number of years they’ve been in business, should in itself, be their calling card. I always wish such entrepreneurs the very best.
Tonight’s One-liner is: The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity.
original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2024/02/08/a-really-good-beating/