Is there really a cyber skills shortage or are we all wasting time?
By Jonathan Kiernan
My mum used to tell me: ‘You can’t say you’re hungry if you won’t eat a piece of fruit.’ I think that’s why she never made it as a chef.
I was hungry and I didn’t want fruit. And I was 28 years old. But it’s a useful metaphor, so let’s run with it. The idea is that you can’t complain about a problem if you haven’t exhausted all of the available options to fix it.
I wanted to apply this idea to the ‘skills shortage’ in cybersecurity that we hear so much about. Much has been written about the need to hire better and widen access to the industry to fill that shortfall. But the idea that there is a shortfall that can only be fixed by hiring is taken for granted, without questioning whether the shortfall is really as bad as is claimed.
We supposedly need 3 million more people in our industry - a 65% increase. Is that really true? Do we genuinely need 3 million more people to be able to do our work? Or are we failing to use other means to fix the problem?
If the cybersecurity industry is actually hungry, has it tried to eat fruit?
A note on numbers
There are several studies that publish workforce shortage estimates, but - of those that are transparent about their methodology - they are largely based on surveys. Which is to say - the studies are based (in one way or another) on asking cybersecurity professionals whether they think there is a gap. I see two potential issues:
Are existing cyber security personnel being applied effectively and efficiently?
In the last 9 years I’ve probably worked in or with at least 50 different cybersecurity teams. Some of them were very good, some of them were not. Some of them made me question how the human race has survived for this long.
All of them had one thing in common - they were doing pointless work. At least one person was spending time on a task that provided absolutely no value. Most often, the majority of people were spending a lot of time on lots of pointless tasks. In extreme cases, individuals were spending all of their time doing work with no discernible benefit.
Here are some examples of those tasks:
Most cybersecurity professionals could add a thousand items to that list. In fact, I think anyone reading this article could immediately give me 3 examples of similar pointless work in their own organisation.
And yet, we keep hearing that our industry is 3 million people short. So why do we accept it? Why do we keep doing it?
My challenge to anyone responsible for managing a security team is this: before you make your next hire, spend some time looking at every single task your team does.? Think about what the new person will be doing and what the impact on your organisation’s cyber security programme is likely to be. Eliminate the pointless work and ask yourself if you still need to hire.
Not hungry or refusing to eat fruit?
There is plenty of research evidencing a skills shortage in cybersecurity. Much of that research - for example, that done by the British Government (which in 2020 launched a campaign to make ballerinas retrain and work in cybersecurity as a punishment for being involved in the arts) - I expect was very robust.
We have to contextualise the shortage as being based on our own perception. Yes, there are things we should do to bring more people into the profession (for a start, improving access to the profession, committing to training people and having sensible requirements for entry-level positions). But we also have to be brutally honest with ourselves about whether we’re doing everything we can to make the most of the people we have.
Our first response to feeling like we don’t have enough time to secure our organisations should be to make sure the work we’re doing is useful, not to hire more people. Let’s eliminate pointless work, build an industry where everything we do makes a legitimate contribution to making us more secure and genuinely challenge ourselves to justify our hiring decisions.
Maybe we are genuinely hungry, but let’s eat the fruit first to see if it helps.
The views expressed in this article are the views of the author and do not purport to represent the views of 3Factor.
Great stuff. I know you miss the recurring meetings really. Can invite you back as a 'guest' any time :-)
Cybersecurity Analyst CISA CISM PCI-QSA
2 年Great article. The end surprised me.