Really? Church in 2 Years?
Can a new church be established in a new Australian housing estate?
Will the community embrace #FreshExpressions of Christian faith?
Can a Christian Community be established without much resourcing?
These are some of the questions Rev Christine Palmer has been asking whilst offering Community Ministry in a new housing estate in South-West Sydney.
Listen in to this interview with Rev Mat Harry as Christine explains some of the exciting lessons as Christine's ministry has been taking shape. Beginning with "Play in the Park".
2:00 Understanding the context & Third Spaces
7:00 Openness of people to new relationships
12:00 Helping what is already happening
15:00 Play in the Park
18:00 Building Momentum
24:00 Connecting Faith with Mission
29:00 The beginnings of Christian Community
34:00 Faith in the Park - A #FreshExpression
Feel free to use this video in your context if there is value in it for you.?Here is the link that you can view and share from YouTube:-
Let me know what this sparks within your imagination.
And remember that God is always waiting on people faithful enough to be optimistic and bold enough to take the next step.???
More ways to be encouraged by Rev Mat Harry:-