Is There Really A Best Time To Schedule An Interview?
As a candidate, you will always want to perform to the best of your ability when invited to an interview. As the employment market rebounds you may find yourself involved in several interviews in a short space of time. Of course, you will want to ensure you are the preferred candidate during each interview but what exactly is the optimum timing to achieve this?
We know the typical weekly schedules of hiring managers, being one of the premiere recruitment firms in the southeast, and we are here with some advice for you to help you choose the best time to schedule a job interview.
Here are some suggestions based on latest research:
Schedule your interviews from Tuesday to Thursday.
It’s important to ensure you have the hiring manager’s full attention. Try to avoid scheduling interviews on a Monday or Friday. We all know what it feels like to be in first thing on a Monday morning, trying to plan the week ahead, or resolve issues that were left unattended before the weekend. By the time Friday comes along, your interviewer will be stressed; as they attempt to complete their scheduled tasks for the week, you’ll be unlikely to get their full attention.
Get your timing right.
Most experts believe that there are two optimum time spans for scheduling an interview from the candidate’s viewpoint, based on a typical 9 to 5 working day. Firstly, avoid “early morning” appointments. Aim for between 10am and 11am. The pre- or post-lunch slots may mean a distracted or lethargic hiring manager. Play it safe with afternoon interviews between 2pm and 4pm. If the employer’s working day ends at 5pm and the interviewer has evening activities planned, their attention will be elsewhere after 4pm.
Get into the top three.
Some additional support for early interviews comes from a survey by the Wharton Business School into MBA assessments. This revealed that if three candidates had already been recommended on any single day, the assessors were unlikely to recommend a fourth on that day.
Avoid Scheduling Around Other Commitments
Job candidates should also avoid scheduling interviews immediately before or after other commitments.
Interviewing can be stressful, and you’ll be even more stressed if you’re worried about another appointment running over its allotted time, or being late to your next scheduled meeting.
So pick a time slot that provides you ample time to arrive a bit early and to decompress after the interview (or stay late if the employer asks if you can stay and meet additional people… which is always a?sign that your interview is going well).
Does it really matter what time of day a candidate attends an interview?
To ensure you stand the best possible opportunity of securing a job offer, every opportunity to maximize your chances should be taken, but this advice comes with three caveats:
We want to hear from you
Are you an employer with advice on the best time to schedule an interview? Share your expertise and experience in the comments below.