A really annoying digital mistake that even the pro’s make!

A really annoying digital mistake that even the pro’s make!

“Mark your calendars and join us this year for some unforgettable experiences!”

“Hey everyone, I have something great to share with you all today!”

“Make sure you all book in today!”

“Hey y'all let's do this!”

“Great news - I can offer you guys a new Pilates class!”

It's not what you might think actually - even though I agree that those comments are a little too excitable!

And too many exclamation marks!!

No, what I'm pointing to is the assumption that the website, post, newsletter, video etc is a BROADCAST, when it is not.?

Influencer types are the worst for this as they are imagining an adoring crowd of people following their every word.

Even highly trained TV broadcasters sometimes make the same mistake, when they round up at the end.?

“Don't forget, mark your diaries and have a great evening everyone.”

Have you sussed out the mistake?

Addressing us the INDIVIDUAL as if we are a GROUP.

As if we have multiple calendars!

And as if we are all sitting together in a village hall or something.


The powerful fix?

ALWAYS remember that you are only ever addressing ONE person, even if two people happened to be randomly watching your video together.?

You are addressing just one person.

It might be Bob on his way home on the bus scrolling through his newsfeed on his phone.

It might be Brenda watching your video on Insta on her lunch break, whilst she eats a boring cheese sandwich in her office cubicle.

You are talking to your potential next new patient.

In the singular.


What you’ll find, when you think about talking to just one person, is that what you say will be much more focused AND far more powerful.

It will land very well with the ONE person in your audience who will feel your energy; that you really do care about THEM.

And if you ever catch me doing that broadcasting thing, you can call me out on it!

Rant over everyone...???

Clinic not running as well as you'd like?

DM me or pop yourself in my diary and we'll fix it pronto.



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