Realize your Dreams in 10 steps

Realize your Dreams in 10 steps

Many people are more concerned with planning their vacation than planning their lives. This often they find out too late that there is not much ended their dreams and desires. Also, when building a network marketing business and are planning objectives is an important condition for success. Read below 10 ideas to help you set goals in your life. 

1. Make a list of things that are really important to you  are. What is really important to you? Family ?, leisure ?, personal development, retirement? 

2. Your goal off. Remember very well what you want to achieve, what is your goal? The more concrete the better. Consider then what you must do to achieve this. 

3 See yourself in the future. E. Nightingale concluded after a study of what makes people successful: "We are what we think." The image that dominates our brains most of the time is how we ended up. Therefore, setting goals crucial in achieving success. It helps us keep the most important in life in mind. Nightingale says that the easiest way to achieve our goals is to pretend we have achieved already. In other words, walk, talk and pretend you experience all the success you look so forward. This acts as a self for filling prophecy: where they believe, comes from. 

4. Write 10 things you want to accomplish this year. By making a list of things you care about, you start creating images in your mind. These are your goals. These allow you convert knowledge into targeted action. When your goals are planted in your subconscious they will make you take action. Your behavior is influenced by your subconscious mind and the thoughts and ideas that you have in your subconscious - positive or negative-determine your actions. 

5. Create your own storyboard. Take blank paper and paste pictures from magazines, magazines and newspapers on things that you want if you want to reach. We humans once thought in pictures. In this way, always keep your goals in your mind.

6. Write for yourself how your ideal day look.  Write it in the present tense, as if it is so. Try to involve senses it. What you hear, what you taste, what you feel? 

7. Visualize every day.  Every morning and every evening visualize what your goal is and how your ideal life looks like. 

8. Make a plan. Make a plan to reach your goal and resize it to daily steps so you know what each day to be your actions. Before going to sleep, make a list of the six things you will do the next day. In order of importance. 

9. Evaluate your actions. Evaluate every week and month of your progress. What went well, what can you improve. If you get stuck, ask for help. If something is not working, try something new. Do not be afraid to try new things. 

10. Never give up. Everything takes time, focus on your actions and not too much on the result, if you do your everyday actions and learn from it, then the result.


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