Realize THAT!
Most people practice homeopathy as profession. Few great people do research on it like organopathy, tautopathy, periodic table of elements etc. These people augment homeo and try to help more and more people in better ways. My humble respects to such great souls and their invaluable, life-saving contributions!
Few others do plain simple profit-mongering business on homeocare and medicines.
I am neither of any.
For me, Homeopathy is a way to realize that singular existence of the material called ‘the Lord God’ through all of it’s creation!
Homeopathy gives me essences from plant, animal & mineral kingdoms of the gods creation, to use them to empower on its own creation – like humans, pets and plants. Wherever life is there!
If a cotton plantation is affected by bollworms, you can use Cina 200 on it, just like you can use the same for worms in the intestines of human babies. So a plant can have same homeo medicine as a human. Obviously dogs, cows, horses and other animals (as well as plants!) too can share same homeo medicines as people. That is the equality of IT's creation.
If the rahu phase [???? ?????] coming to a person astrologically, which usually sends any person to underground [that is he/she will loose contact of society, either has to maintain low profile, or gets into nefarious activities, or gets jailed out of society], you can mitigate that stage in life by giving few homeo remedies to that person, so that he/she will be doing more positive things and lives among friends publicly in the society, thus they won’t be seriously afflicted by the negative tendencies of their ???? ?????!
The experienced gurus state that world outside is actually a flimsy projection from our more real inner world.
How about administering homeo medicines to anyone in need regardless of wherever they located in the outer world; but by finding a way to give medicine to their corresponding existence within our inner kingdom?!!
They say the existence/memory within our inner world is more real than their projections living as physical persons in outside world.
Thus for me .. Homeopathy is a path to realize THAT!