When I first decided to share my thoughts on this “ize” series the defining moment came to me while watching a Master class on electric guitar by Tom Morello. Like almost everything in life there is no magic wand that makes everything just happen. Tom reminded me that a great song comes by just simply starting the writing process. Play the guitar and record it, make small changes and repeat. For me, the light turned on that I was the only thing getting in my way of doing things I want. I “realized” that I just needed to start. All great things have to start somewhere, and until you realize that fact and get to work, nothing is going to happen. The Sistine chapel started with a single stroke of the brush, a marathon starts with a single step, and every book starts with a single word. So what is it that’s holding you back from doing the thing that you want? I understand that circumstances are always a factor, but if you really want something, you will find a way to make it happen. Here are a few tips that I have used to put pen to paper and make actual progress. Hopefully, they will help you “realize” your dreams as well.
Look for inspiration
Inspiration is a strange thing. It's hard to say where it comes from or when or how it will manifest for you. It's something that can be widely different for each person. For me recently, watching the MasterClass series has been very inspiring. Watching the best do what they do is so inspiring for me. I love the passion that Gordon Ramsey shows while fileting a fish, Tom Morello creating new sounds with his guitar, or Howard Schultz talk about growing a coffee shop into the behemoth Starbucks. Wherever you find your inspiration, keep looking for things that will get you moving towards your goals.
Plan to work during times that you are at your best
I am a morning person and have found that I do my best work on days where I get up, exercise, have coffee, and get to my computer as soon as I can. However, be ready to adapt, I have also found that a change of scenery, change in music, or even time of day can be a welcomed boost that helps you get to the next level.
You only have to win the battle, not the war
While we need to be ready for the long game, it's essential to win those little battles every day to ultimately win the war. Gary Vee says, be fast in the micro and slow on the macro. Work hard today but keep your eye on the prize.
Get over what people think
We all care what people think to some degree and, that's not a bad thing, but if we let it get in the way, we will never do anything for fear of rejection or embarrassment. I can’t say enough about this topic. It is a constant struggle for my self and others out there but sometimes you just have to get over it and step into the unknown to find out what is ahead.
I have found this series to be wonderful as mentioned above. Each class can be purchased for around $90 or you can have all access to every class for $180/year. You can really get a value for the classes if you have time to watch several within the year subscription time.
Time trackers
Timeular: I use a time tracking software called Timeular, it comes with a little cube that can be flipped with changing tasks from one to the other. The cube can have stickers or even custom drawings you can design with the included pen to make custom tasks and keep up with every minute of your time to see where it goes. It's very eye-opening to run that report and see where your time is spent. Things that seem to take forever sometimes are only minutes, and other “quick” tasks will take a good portion of your day. It's also good to track distractions and time drains. Be honest with yourself on this to get real results. After some time, look for patterns in productivity and try to work when and where you find that you are the most productive.
Timing for mac: Some time tracker apps can take a huge amount of time to configure but once they are customized they will automatically track what you are doing according to the websites, emails, and applications that you are using at the time. Timing is one that takes customization but is easy to use and visually appealing.
Task Lists
Trello: I love Trello, so again it will be on the tools list. It's helpful to have one tool that is your home base for all of your tasks. When I get stuck and “realize” it Trello is the place I go and start looking at what needs to get done for the day.
Omnifocus: also mentioned in a previous post, Omnifocous is a good tool for detailed personal task listing. It does not have a great collaboration feature like some of the other tools, but it is great if you get in the habit of going to that centralized task hub that you use personally. It will accept tasks sent via email, iPhone or Mac. There is a cost to the application but some people swear by OmniFocus and its ability to organize and prioritize.
Distilling Ancient Wisdom into Practical Strategies | Host of The Source Code Podcast | Human Design | Gene Keys
5 年“I “realized” that I just needed to start.” Exactly. We all just need to take that first step.