RealitySpirituality: Call 911
Rebecca L. Norrington
Happiness Specialist | Inner Peace Practitioner | Oracle (there is no spoon) | Radio/TV | Author | Speaker | Fitness Instructor | Reiki Pract. | International Best Selling Author | Mother | Student
Happiness is a state of mind, a foundation that is actualized when being at peace no matter the moment becomes a part of your identity. For this to happen, you need to understand that happiness is a commitment to practice. It is a process of looking in the mirror, where all change begins.
Are you happy when faced with inevitable challenges or can people and experiences hurt and dictate your feelings? The first part of the practice is gradually eliminating all of these behaviors that have been proven to subtract from happiness. Don’t resist in the moment. The practice is acceptance and trusting that whatever is in your life is there to serve you and it is there for your betterment and for your transformation. In the face of whatever major challenge there is, trust that whatever happens is a part of your destiny and ride it out with a calm peaceful vibration.
When people ask me questions about their future, I direct them to the understanding that they need to be okay with the uncertainty that it holds. While the universe doesn’t necessarily give answers far in advance, it provides inspiration every day and guides you on a path to your destined journey. The ego wants certainty and answers, but it is your responsibility to listen to the universe’s instructions and trust that it will lead you where you should be. Learn to embrace the sense of peace in not knowing rather than the anxiety that comes with your subconscious’ need to know everything. Remember, the universe works with ease.
The other part of the practice is patience. If it isn’t the right time for your transformation, then it will not happen. The fish doesn’t question how it needs to learn to swim but is patient with the universe and is guided by an understanding that when it needs to swim, the universe will allow it to. Similarly, allow yourself to understand that changes in your life are all processes. Growth and expansion don’t happen overnight but rather on the universe’s time. Accept yourself as it happens and maintain your peaceful vibration as your destiny is revealed to you.
When you trust in the universe’s plan for you and remove the uncertainty and impatience the critical mind causes with its desire to know everything, you are truly able to experience contentment.? Prioritize the vibration and foundation of peace and surrender to the moment.? Being patient with how life unfolds, is a step in the right direction to put happiness at the forefront of your life.
Happiness is a practiced skill. ~rln ?