The Reality Is YCDBSOYA
Steven Clauson
I Help Established Businesses Compete And Become The Dominate Choice In Their Target Market Within 18 Months Using The Assault System
If you aren’t certain what YCDBSOYA means I’ll explain… Tuesday evening I spoke to a local non-profit group in Tucson. This group requested some pointers on fund raising during what appears to be a coming recession. They’re concerned how a recession might impact their efforts. They made it clear they could not pay me anything. Not paying me was good since I wouldn’t have accepted payment. This group works to raise food for hungry people much like Marie Jachino does in Elk Grove, CA. Wednesday morning I attended a University of Arizona event and met several local business leaders.
I met with the non-profit group after a 10-hour day wearing a suit and tie in 105-degree heat. In case you weren’t aware in Tucson very few wear people dress in this manner largely due to the heat. I dress this way out of respect for the people I’m meeting with and coaching. I do these things because You Can’t Do Business Sitting On Your Ass. In an on-line and overly connected world you need to be someone, be somewhere and do something. I focus on finding a person or business I can help. There is no chance I will find them when I’m sitting at home, laying on the couch or slumped over my desk in my office chair trying to look productive. This week and every week I focus on being someone, being somewhere and actually doing something.
My “be someone” question is who are you and what is the actual problem you solve?
My “be somewhere” question is how many new people did you travel somewhere to meet this week who remember you, you remember them and they would know what actual problem you solve and you know what actual problem they solve?
My “do something” question is what did you do this week to actually move the ball down the field for yourself and your clients? I do more every week for my clients than myself. That will never change.
How can I help you?
My name is Steven Clauson.??I coach?people who want help getting where they want to be.?The people I coach are typically already taking action, getting results and?ask what’s next and what actions to take?to make an even?greater impact.?They aren't afraid to ask for help.?How can I help you??What actions are you taking???Those who have a plan and implement that plan lead the pack.?Planning, preparing to win and taking appropriate action means you?hear the word?"YES"?more than ever.?Only if you are one of the few willing to take action, do what's required and?play full out?are you likely to hear the word yes more often.?People hearing the word?"YES"?are winners?on the playing field because they play full out and dominate.?For these?people?results matter.?Tired of results?less than you know you can produce???Call me at 916-230-0176 or visit?