The Reality of Reality: the master algorithm of the universe, or what runs the world

The Reality of Reality: the master algorithm of the universe, or what runs the world

The Master Principle of Reality: Everything Changes and Reverses: IF A CAUSES B, THEN B CAUSES A

I argue that the universe or reality or the world is an infinite reversible entity where everything changes and reverses, at all its macro- and micro-scales levels.

All and everything in the world is reversed, including the world itself.

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In physics, there is the basic principle of time inversion or temporal symmetry or time reversal, generalized as the charge, parity, and time reversal symmetry. The CPT theorem says that CPT symmetry holds for all physical phenomena. All fundamental laws are symmetric, going forward and backward, making no difference between the past and the future.

Life is a unique phenomena due to causal reversibility and nonlinearity. All order, organization, structure and function, as the opposite of randomness or chaos, is caused by reverse entropy, negentropy. An example of reverse entropy is any star system such as the Solar System.

It might be a reverse?or negative gravitation?as caused by a?negative value of the mass-energy?. We used to wrongly think that gravitational force is always a positive attractive force, because masses can't be taken as negative.?

Like magnetic or electrostatic forces, real gravity is NOT just an attractional force,?there must be the repulsion forces,?as a hypothetical dark energy.?Dark energy is negative gravity (neutrinos), behaving exactly like negative gravitation. According to Newton and Einstein the negative gravity can arise from the negative energy and its equivalent negative relativistic mass.?

All fundamental forces are [causal] interactions, gravitational, electromagnetic, weak and strong.

All fundamental laws are symmetric, going forward and backward, making no difference between the past and the future.

All physical effects and all processes and all forms of energy are revertible, reversible, invertible, transposable, or convertible.

All chemical reactions and processes are revertible, reversible or convertible

All biological processes are revertible, reversible or convertible.

All mental processes revertible, reversible, invertible, transposable, or convertible.

All social processes are revertible, reversible or convertible.

All economic processes are revertible, reversible or convertible.

All political processes are revertible, reversible or convertible.

All environmental processes are revertible, reversible or convertible.

All natural processes are revertible, reversible or convertible.

All information processes are revertible, reversible or convertible.

All cybernetic processes are revertible, reversible or convertible.

All computing processes are are revertible, reversible or convertible.

All machine learning processes are revertible, reversible or convertible, like learning representations by back-propagation of errors...

Again, all scientific processes and methods are implying the causal interaction of observations, simulations or experimental data with generalizations.

It is all coming from the most fundamental noumena and phenomena of the world:

the [CAUSAL] REVERSIBILITY of all phenomena and processes in the world.

The CAUSAL REVERSAL is the master principle, prime rule or foundational law of the world, physical or virtual, at all its levels.

A CAUSES B, if and only if B CAUSES A

Or, there is always reverse, inverse, opposite effects in nature.


We go deep to replace the statistical independence with the causal interdependence, as it is prescribed by the?Bayes' theorem,?Bayes' law?or?Bayes' rule?or?Bayes–Price theorem.

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P(A|B)?– the probability of event A occurring, given event B has occurred. P(B|A) – the probability of event B occurring, given event A has occurred. P(A) – the probability of event A. P(B) – the probability of event B.

A reversible causality is the ultimate of reality. A real (causal) process relating changes of any nature (physical, mental) and any sort (quantitative, qualitative, and substantial) reverses the order of its agency (action, influence, operation, producing): real causation must run in the opposite direction, or change to the opposite effect.

A reversible process is a cyclical process, and all cyclical processes are reversible. The world is becoming active because it produces reversible processes; reversible processes organize the world. The world is the totality of interrelated cyclic processes occurring with all kinds of agents (objects, substances, and things).

The World Hypergraph of Causal Variables

The world is a giant multi-level globally distributed symmetrical network of CAUSAL variables, as changes, events, actions, and processes.

Its is formalized as a multi-directed global hypergraph of hypervertices/nodes/points and hyperlinks/edges/lines/arrows/arcs/relationships, with its hypernodes as different as in:

Physical variables or quantities

Chemical variables

Biological variables

Human variables (age, gender, health status, mood, background, etc.)

Mental variables

Social variables

Political variables

Economic variables

Cultural variables

Environmental variables….

Variable are a formal concept for qualities and quantities, features or attributes, having categorical and nominal, interval and ration and cardinal levels or scales of measurement.

They number of variables is virtually numberless, all being studied in both functional roles, like vector-valued functions or y = f(x) or x = g (y), or both causal directions, direct and reverse.

Any variable could be studied in any role, as independent variable or dependent variable:

Independent variable causes an effect on the dependent variable, and vice versa.

The dependent variable is dependent on the independent variables, which are controlled, manipulated or altered. And the dependent variable is the variable that is measured or tested by a researcher.

Ideally, one must rely on a causal hypergraph of hyperedges (causal hyperlinks) and vertices (causal variables) of arbitrary size and order in which an edge could join any number of vertices/nodes/variables, where a DAG is a special case.

In an undirected simple graph of order?n, the maximum degree of each vertex is?n?? 1?and the maximum size of the graph is?n(n?? 1)/2, what is responsible for the network effects.

Notable Samples of Causal Networks

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The Global Risk Network

The?Global Risks Report?series tracks global risks perceptions among risk experts and world leaders in business, government, and civil society. It examines risks across five categories: economic, environmental, geopolitical, societal, and technological.

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The Universal Network of science and engineering

The World Model Principles, Axioms and Assumptions

  1. The world is the whole of?reality, all and everything that was, is and will be, the totality of entities and interrelations.
  2. The universe consists of substances (objects), states (qualities and quantities) and changes (actions, evets, processes) standing in causal interrelationships.
  3. Causation is the master principle and prime force of the universe.
  4. There are no uncaused things or changes in the world.
  5. Causality gives structure or order to everything in the world, from the microworld to the macroworld.
  6. Causation determines the hierarchical structure of world, its entities, processes and relationships, as well as its data, information and knowledge.
  7. Causation is reverting, reversing, reacting, and going backwards, creating dynamic backward loops and causal circuits, complex control systems and nonlinear processes.
  8. Causation flows in bottom-up ways, from micro to macro scales, as causal emergency, and vice versa, in top-down ways, from macro to macro scales, as causal control.
  9. The interrelationships of microscales and macroscale are determined by the top-down and bottom-up causation.?
  10. Causality is the universal interrelationship, which is a symmetric productive correlative relationship, X causes Y if and only if Y causes X.


The world is the totality?of all entities, structured by nonlinear causation, or interactions.

The world is the global causal net. All is causal networks.

The physical world or universe is the totality?of all matter and energy, space and time; all that is, has been, and will be, all governed by causal?interactions, as fundamental forces, gravitational, electromagnetic, strong and weak.

Causation gives deep structures and ordering to mind, intelligence, learning, inference, cognition. reasoning, understanding, and action, human or machine.

Causal models, rules and relationships are the master models and algorithms for artificial intelligence, machine learning, artificial neural networks and deep learning.

General conclusions about the world

Everything is interconnected to everything else.?

Everything in the world is interconnected.?

All is interrelated with all.?

Sometimes the causal links are obvious, and most times undiscovered, unmeasurable or untraceable.?

But the interconnections are there, and often affect us in ways we may never know.

The future is always harking back as a feedback and reaction,?creating nonlinear?complex structures, systems and processes.

All nonlinear dynamic systems, hurricanes, financial crises, animal stampedes, or the development of cities and civilizations, are examples of processes driven by nonlinear causality, as a self-reinforcing cause and effect.

Linear causality of cause and effect is just a part of nonlinear causality,?which is a causal interaction or interactive?causality.

The universe consists of objects having various qualities and standing in various relations, Whitehead and Russel

The world is a relational net; a mereological unity, a mereological whole embracing every part and constituent of the world, the world is a world of states of affairs, Armstrong.

The world is a world of facts, the world is a world of things, etc.


The World, as all reality, everything and all that was, is organized and ordered by REVERSIBLE CAUSATION. It is modeled, encoded or mapped as a Multi-level Globally Distributed Causal Network, which is formally represented as the Global Giant Hypergraph (GGH).


The CAUSAL DECALOGUE: The 10 Commandments about the world for humans and AI machines

Causal Learning vs. "Deep Learning" : on a fatal flaw in human knowledge and machine learning

Meta-disciplinary AI (Meta-AI) or Transdisciplinary AI (Trans-AI) = the World Hypergraph + Data Ontology + AI Models + ML/Deep Neural Networks + Human Intelligence

The World Model for Understandable AI: World Hypergraph: Meta-AI WWW

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY XXI: New Physica, Physics X.0 & Technology X.0

Dr. Ravi Sharma

Particle Physicist, Enterprise Architect Consultant,, Ontologist

3 年

Azamat - Quite well thought, however being only a physicist, I think reversibility is at root level for example life is not reversible, as we know it merges back to matter-energy. I will describe soon how all matter-energy reverts back to root or Dark Matter, as astro- and particle- physics tells us at different time scales. Reply Cross posted in Ontolog Forum Dr Ravi Sharma


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