The Reality of Time and the Sobering Truth You Need to Know
Alexander Bell wasn’t exaggerating when he said that time flies. Ever been caught telling a story about something that happened three years ago only to be corrected by your partner and reminded that it was more than eight years ago? Ever blinked and realized your children aren’t small enough to fit in your lap anymore? Ever gone back to visit the town you grew up in only to find it transformed by urban decay? Time is fleeting. And so much—so much—happens while our eyes and thoughts wander. And the reality is, we have less of it than we realize.
There are 168 hours in a week. We spend (or should spend!) 56 hours a week sleeping. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, we spend roughly 28 hours a week (4 hours a day) eating and drinking, doing household chores, and “other” activities.
That leaves us with 84 available hours a week, or 12 hours a day.
Now subtract that 40 hour typical workweek and we are left with:
12 available hours a week, or an average of 4 hours a day.
I remember doing this exercise and feeling pretty sober afterwards. After tending to the basics (work, sleep, etc) I was only left with around 4 hours a day to spend time with my wife, my kids, my interests, not to mention squeezing in a workout or two.
The reality is that there isn’t a lot of time available to us, yet we so often flit about in our lives acting as if there is. We get lost in the blue haze of our smart phones, ingest hours of media while shoving Doritos down our gullets, or we worry about tomorrow or yesterday instead of being present in the now.
Your relationships with others and your relationship with yourself require your utmost attention. Your children need to see you and be seen by you. Your spouse or partner needs time to connect with you. And you need to tend to your own needs by pursuing the things that not only make you a unique individual but fill your heart with joy and energy. So here is what I would like for you to do:
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