The Reality Of Motivation And Action
Steven Clauson
I Help Established Businesses Compete And Become The Dominate Choice In Their Target Market Within 18 Months Using The Assault System
Yes, I’m a fan of motivational movies, songs, books and tapes. If listening to or watching David Goggins or Anthony Robbins doesn’t inspire you, there may be something amiss or you may be clinically dead. While the majority of the people I work with don’t start here, they do arrive on their own time frame.
Motivation, from my side of the desk, comes down to carefully examining consequences. If I don’t make $25,000 this month what will happen? If I blow off going to the gym this month what will happen? Examining what will happen, what won’t I be able to do and then examining what will I be able to do if I act in accordance with my agreements leads to action.
Motivation combined with Action creates a potentially explosive combination. Action is making an effort to feel something or to avoid feeling something. Going to the gym requires motivation to get there and action once you arrive. The feeling is one of health and accomplishment. Keep in mind, one person’s ceiling is another person’s floor. Taking action can be intimidating… Take action anyway! ?
My name is Steven Clauson.??I coach?people who want help getting where they want to be. ?The people I coach are typically already taking action, getting results and?ask what’s next and what actions to take?to make an even?greater impact.? They aren't afraid to ask for help. ?How can I help you? ?What actions are you taking???Those who have a plan and implement that plan lead the pack.? Planning, preparing to win and taking appropriate action means you?hear the word?"YES"?more than ever.?Only if you are one of the few willing to take action, do what's required and?play full out?are you likely to hear the word yes more often. ?People hearing the word?"YES"?are winners?on the playing field because they play full out and dominate.? For these?people?results matter.? Tired of results?less than you know you can produce???Call me at 916-230-0176 or visit?