The reality of Knife Attacks!
Peter Ellis
Founder/Security Consultant at Sphere Protection Services/Defence and Security
Is there really a knife problem in the UK? That question can be answered by taking a walk around any of our accident and emergency departments.
The person who attacks with an edged weapon has two incredible advantages, 1. they have chosen to use the weapon ruthlessly and 2. usually has first strike advantage. The reality ! expect to get cut, you will likely get cut, bleed, you may or may not feel pain.
Remember, it is the desperation factor and not the technical skill alone that makes a person armed with an edged weapon so dangerous.
I see on social media and in adverts so called "experts" tell you they have the answer to edged weapons attacks well I will tell you the truth from real world experience. The best defence against an edged weapon is not to be there in the first place. I have stated for years that the only assumption I make in a confrontational situation or physical threat is that the person you have found yourself dealing with may have a concealed weapon that you don’t see.
As a CQC instructor with over four decades of experience the biggest mistake against a blade that I see is retreating straight backwards as soon as the weapon is shown. For most what this leads to is falling backwards and still getting cut or killed. Some will tell you be in arms reach plus an extra step. This in my opinion is the very worse place you can be.
The only two places you want to be if someone spontaneously pulls a blade is running away or right on top of them with the intent of survival by stopping them repeatedly striking until threat is nullified.
I have been involved in edged weapon attacks which I "won" There are a lot of edged weapon defence programs out there that are designed to get you KILLED! because they do not deal with reality. Do your homework. I have attempted to summarise some of the reasons for the development of my system in this post. My system is being used around the world for Law Enforcement, Special Forces Units and the general public and has saved many lives.
SPHERE Combat 07904604956 or [email protected]