Reality and Instinct

Reality and Instinct

We grew up in the society in which we are inserted following the parameters that give us and seek to make us responsible citizens on a scale that seeks balance and equal rights, however, we are all different, so, being a rule the same for everyone, we found as adults we had a formation of values, concepts and pre-concepts that require a pre-determined behavior in the situations we face and we found sometimes that such requirements have nothing to do with us. When we try to follow a way of living from outside in we are using parameters that come from different readings of the world and it often do not match with what we feel like true. We think that what we see is real and so solid that we can trust on them, but everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real (N. Bohr), everything is a projection of what we are.

So what is the secret of reality? Reality is inside ourselves and we can identify all that we need just respecting what we are because we are part of what is around us, the separation we see is just an illusion. Quantum physicists says that atoms are just vortices of energy and they are spinning and vibrating radiating its energy signature, so if we want to observe ourselves we will discover that we are beings of energy and vibration, radiating our own energy signature, If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration (N.  Tesla). When we think positive or negative things we are not only expressing an opinion, we are transferring and receiving a modulated energy around us, and because in fact matter is simply derived from our consciousness (M. Planc), we are impacting and being impacted physically.

Instinctively We know that it is better to stay in a good mood - laughing triggers the endorphins that will be running on the person's veins and this will have rational glimmers with which you can work your negative situation, running away from the negative state, mens sana in corpore sano (Juvenal), otherwise, the person will remain motionless in the situation itself, blaming other people, facts or events, shirking immediate action. This only makes the situation in question is bulging in time until something is done effectively. At this point we could say that happiness is mainly a choice process, is just a chemical reaction resulting in a controlled process on behalf of own thoughts, it should be noted the wishes and desires in a more objective perspective. All that the human mind can conceive, it can achieve (N. Hill).

There are however, many times when we are not sure about the way to follow and we feeling not secure about the results we want to get, that we are sabotaging our own intentions and direct efforts without getting the results we say to ourselves that we want. "I'm like that. I do not accept certain things I do. I cannot stand when I'm angry. I'm a good person. I am an atheist. I do not have enough money. I have no family structure. I have no friends. I have no chance. I am this or that .. ".

All the wrong concepts that we can have from ourselves come from the miss of self knowledge or from the weakness of trying to please everyone else around us. You can't please everyone, and you can't make everyone like you (K. Couric). Everyone is a different person with singular characteristics and that’s ok. Self-deception in the face of self-knowledge is hard work in which the person is not aware will be entering dangerous ground; a land whose line between happiness and false happiness is quite tenuous Know Ourselves really, is not philosophy, is practical action to achieve what we want to really be happy without masks or lies to ourselves.

Happiness is not something we find outside us, it is found in the objectives we build with our thoughts, words and actions (D. Walsh) and it can be something not easy if we only had experienced sadness and frustration in our life – these things make us create a pattern which is very hard to overcome, some bad and wrong paradigms are put inside our minds and every time we face a challenge, all we have is the foundation idea that we have not enough, and we create and we maintain a lifestyle we really do not want at all.

We all like to be together with our friends and we try to keep in pace with their opinion and point of views, but a person is not merely a single subject distinguished from all the others. It is especially a being to which is attributed a relative autonomy in relation to the environment with which it is most immediately in contact (E. Durkheim), we have responsibility for our decision makings and the right to feel and express in a way that we can pursuit and construct what we think that can make us happy and this will be dynamically part of human evolution by itself. 

There are some valid concepts of power like those explained by Durkheim, Weber or Galbraith where power is only the probability of imposing one's will within a social relationship, even against all resistance and whatever the foundation of that probability. When we talk about ourselves, the act of receiving all kind of information and give, in what we believe, the best feedback possible, is the greatest power we can ever have and can determine either if we are happy or not.


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