The reality of diet culture
Rebecca Heald
The Heald Method? - An Inclusive Sustainability Roadmap for Driving ESG Leadership in Construction.
On Tuesday I spoke about diet culture and what it is.
But what about the devastating impact it can have on your life?
Sometimes we realise this and sometimes we don't...
For me, it was all-encompassing.
Not only did it constantly dictate my mood and social life, it knocked my self esteem so much that I totally lost myself.
I lost my spark, my zest for life!
I became so confused which then meant that I lowered my boundaries in every aspect of my life.
I opened myself up to toxic friendships, accepted unhealthy relationships and constantly doubted myself as a mum.
I was so consumed with what I should/shouldn't be eating that everything else felt so foggy!
The exhaustion was unreal and the guilt just ate away at me.
If I said or did something wrong, panic would set in and I would use food to try and gain back an element of control. It never worked!
Ultimately, I let myself be controlled not only by food, but by those around me who recognised my vulnerability.
Despite appearing confident, I was living in a constant state of anxiety.
I am not afraid to admit that I finally hit rock bottom but when I did, I took full responsibility.
No-one else was to blame but then there was no point in torturing myself any longer either.
In order to repair the damage, I had to learn to love me again.
This started by letting go of diets, letting go of external rules. Then step by step, I worked through the rest.
I didn't do it alone, I had a key support network but I took back the control.
No more excuses, no more stories - this was my journey.
And this experience is what makes me so passionate about helping others let go of a culture that is stopping them from living their life to the max!
Not everyone will be ready, not everyone will let it take over like I did.
But even if the odd post here and there helps take away the guilt for someone, my job is done!