The Reality Check.
I am not the only one or am I?
Living under a rock. How does it feel to realize that’s how you’ve lived for more than 18 years of your life? Well, it sucks! It’s crazy, stupid, funny, dramatic.
Reality hit me when Engineering happened. It hit me harder when I had to finally go to work(adulting is not fun).
I remember, it was my second day at work and I was already flabbergasted. Not because of the work but the mode of transport I chose to explore that day. I had never taken a local bus before that nor seen the Majestic bus stop(this place is a nightmare). No offense. Don’t get me wrong but my SPF 100+ parentals never really thought it was a good idea to expose us to the bus rides and bus stops or I think so.
My childhood has been a very safe haven, the perks of being a military brat. Those were the days! Pool parties, sleepover, movies, weekend picnics, [insert everything fun]. Sounds like the adults weekend chilling plans? I was allowed all of these as a kid and now, DON’T EVEN ASK(say hello to mother). I was allowed all of it because they knew all my friends, their parents and most importantly they knew I was safe in that surrounding(defence residentials I mean). So the point is, I have lived with an illusion of freedom to do what I want for the most part of my life. I believed that I was choosing all of it but in reality, I was smartly being handled by my overprotective parentals. I do not deny that I had the best of everything but I wish they had let me explore reality at times. Maybe then aspects like crossing a road, remembering routes, traveling in a local bus, talking to strangers, etc., wouldn’t have been a task.
When engineering happened, it felt like suddenly my world had flipped. The crowd, the surroundings, the vibe, everything. I learned some of the best life lessons in those 4 years(I didn’t become an engineer though). When work happened, BMTC and Majestic bus stop became my worst nightmares. I still have goosebumps when I imagine myself at Majestic(please don’t frown at me if you don’t get it, Idk how to explain). That was my first and last day visit there and all through my time there I only prayed that nobody would spit/puke on me through the windows of those buses passing by(yikes!). I rushed home that evening to tell my mum about my adventure at Majestic. While I explained how I felt and described the place to her, she burst out laughing and called me a child(hello, I am a 22-year-old woman). I’ve never had the courage to go back to that place.
This is one such instance. But imagine realizing that you lived in a totally different world away from reality for 18 years of your life.
PS: To be honest, I might have not done a great job of putting it in words.