Realistic Images with Dall-E 3
Stijn Van Schoonlandt
Generative AI Educator & Automation Expert | Empowering Businesses with ChatGPT, Midjourney, & AI Tools | Pragmatic Solutions from a Fellow Entrepreneur
Just a compilation of some try-outs of images, created with Dall-E in an attempt to make them look like shot with a real camera.
Feel free to share your Dall-E 3 tips. DM me if you like to discuss these.
Let me know which one is your favourite? Besides the LV Barista, I think the animal ones are awesome.
Our coffee bar in NYC
Our NYC Billboard on Timesquare
Barista in our NYC bar making matcha latte
Barista at our Las Vegas Matcha Bar
Failed to generate a photo of mouth-watering crispy bacon due to content policy restrictions ???
(Interim) assignments | Board Member | Business Consulting
4 个月not as realistic as midjourney. The urban one is a nice one!