Let's start off 2025 with some great goals that are realistic and set you up for success.
- Pick a word instead of a resolution. Ask yourself: What do you want to feel like this year? What word(s) represent you? A word that captures who you want to be, what you want to focus on? Your theme for the year??My word is spirituality.
- Create a home you love – we all spend more time at home in the winter months. Make your home a safe, cozy, comfortable place. This can include decluttering, organizing, removing “stuff” you don’t use or need. Setting up a “Mindfulness Spot”.?A place to go for comfort and safety where you feel relaxed and at peace.
- Add in some creativity to your life. What is something creative you always wanted to try? You can start it by taking a class, learning on you-tube or just trying it without any perfectionist ideas. You are doing this for fun. Whether its cooking/baking, drawing, knitting or journal writing.
- Step out of your comfort zone once a day. Every day ask yourself -how can I challenge myself today? It can be something very small - try a new food or drink, try a new type of exercise, take a different route to work, wear a new lipstick or perfume, etc. Every time we step out of our comfort zone, we find growth and we reduce fear.
- Do one mindfulness activity a day to reduce stress. Contrary to popular belief, mindfulness doesn’t require hours of weekly meditation or any special training.?It can be a quick walk, sitting in nature, deep breathing for a few minutes, stretching, prayer, gratitude, etc. It can be five minutes a day. It's the best way to naturally destress and have selfcare.
- Add cognitive work into your week. 3-4 times a week do an activity that boosts your cognitive skills like memory, focus, attention span, concentration and moods. It can be doing a jigsaw puzzle, crossword or word search. Play board games with your kids/grandkids. Play a game of cards even if its solitaire. We can be preventive with aging while help manage our stress and anxiety, as well as boost happiness endorphins at the same time.
- Reduce technology and read more -There’s nothing quite like getting cozy on the sofa with a new book when it’s cold outside. That makes right now the perfect time to sit down with a good book and a hot cup of tea/coffee. Reading is one of the best ways to help us fall asleep. Grab a good book and some shut eye.
- Be preventive - set your annual health appointments. Set up your yearly physical exam with your doctor, your two annual dental cleanings and any other screenings/tests you need for 2025.
- Get your steps in - take the stairs, park far away from the store, stand while talking on the phone, walk around while cooking, add in some exercise during your day. Extra steps equal more energy and calories burned.
- Reduce multi-tasking. Multitasking doesn't make you more efficient it just adds more stress to your day. When our attention is on too many things, we become overwhelmed and stressed out. We also don't give each activity 100% which means we either have to re-do it or we feel bad or guilty about it.