Realistic Bleeding Control Training Goes Global

Realistic Bleeding Control Training Goes Global

Medica - Virginia Pavilion (Hall 15/E12) | Dusseldorf, Germany | November 11-14

As our Dana Rich attends MEDICA - Leading International Trade Fair hosted by our friends at VEDP International Trade , we are grateful for the opportunity to highlight the important role played by our international distribution partners.

From Finland to New Zealand and countries in between, TrueClot’s international distributors are strong advocates and educators for bleeding control training. These international partners understand regional supply demands and the urgent needs of their local trauma training providers.???

"TrueClot's international distributor network guarantees that emergency responders everywhere have access to our cutting-edge bleeding control training tools.,” said Dana Rich, International MedSim Sales Manager at Luna Labs USA . “This vital support empowers communities to train and prepare for life-saving interventions when every second counts.”?

With nearly 30 international distribution partners across Europe, Asia, and Australasia, TrueClot is well-positioned to enhance bleeding control training regardless of language or training scenario. These training tools are easy to use in any training environment for beginner-level civilians to professional first responders, combat medics, and corpsmen.

As training providers, the durability and realism of the TrueClot products have made a significant difference in our courses.?Unlike some other products we've tried that look great but cannot withstand high volumes of use, these units withstand everything we throw at them. Steph Davies , General Manager, PracMed NZ (New Zealand)
Distributing the Luna Labs’ TrueClot brand in France is a great privilege, and brings all our customers (police forces, fire departments, first aid associations, SAMU, etc.) a wide range of training products, enabling them to react even more quickly in operational emergencies. The arrival of the new Chest Seal Application Trainer is a major asset as is the clotting action that only TrueClot simulated blood recreates. Pascal Daguet , Medical Directeur Commercial, CIR MEDICAL (France)
The use of TrueClot products has helped enhance our tactical medical training programs. The clotting effect from this product has definitely benefited all of us in offering realistic training experiences. David Chew , Founder, ARIS Integrated Medical (Singapore)

Demo images from Aero Healthcare UK training video featuring

A huge thank you to our entire distribution network for ensuring communities around the world have access to the most well-prepared emergency care professionals when critical bleeding control interventions are needed.?

Looking for a distributor? We have a map for that!

#Medica2024 #savelives #minutesmatter #bleedingcontrol?



