Realign and Shine Brightly!
Debra Sunderland
Coaching CEOs & Teams to reclaim time | Shift priorities & results | Well-being & purpose Power of Decisions Keynote Speaker | Exec Retreats/ Workshops | Enneagram| Conflict Communication | Author | NYU inner MBA
Holidays. 2020. Stress. Stress is always the cause of our unconscious beliefs. When these beliefs are unchecked, they drag us around in anxiety, frustration, and sadness, until we are in major inner drama. When we OWN our stress - (“I am stressing myself out!â€) - we notice that we have a choice, and we invite ourselves to claim our inner power. We always have this opportunity. It comes down to self awareness and practice.
It is always our work to get back into our peace and joy — no one else can do this for us! This is being radically responsible to YOU! And don’t you deserve to give this loving gift to yourself? Own your life and how you want to be with yourself and the world.
Yes, the drama we create inside of ourself has consequences. Unconsciously, we stay in the drama to stay safe and even get a hit from the adrenaline rush. But, in the long run, there is a cost to our well being when we live like this every day! We are addicted to running off of this energy high, that mimics eating a whole Super Size chocolate bar — and we all know what happens next …we crash. Our bodies become worn out. We do not sleep well. We are not connected to our purpose and to others. We are not living a fulfilled life when we ignore our inner discomfort and push ahead to reach our goals of “success.†And, whose success is it really—if you are not creating inner fulfillment?!
To claim your inner power, master catching your thoughts! To help you do so, here is a practice outline to support your self awareness and more joy…
1. BREATHE - Breathe 3 times from your belly, deeply and slowly. All the way in. All the way out. Practice all day!
2. Change your location - Move to a different room, or get outside.
3. Feel all of your feelings, all the way through- Feel them as they come up (we usually run from them.) After the feelings subside, which is no more than 90 seconds, go to your thoughts.
4. Question what you are telling yourself - Ask yourself, without judgement, what thought is causing you upset. Just notice how you react to this thought. Most likely, this thought has become your belief.
5. Then question that belief by asking “How can the OPPOSITE be just as true or truer?†You’ll be surprised as to how you may respond by turning your thought around.
To have more consistent joy and creative energy driving us, with more flow and wanted results, we must wake up to the drama our ego ignites within us (which happens approximately every 4 seconds), and take a pause. Try the above process over and over, whenever you are triggered.
Paying attention to your body feedback and emotional intelligence will alert you to your patterns that keep you safe, but do not leave you in a state of total aliveness! Pause. Be alert. What intelligence is there inside of you?
To regain your joy, peace and inner alignment, take time to pay attention to YOU. Notice how you show up with your family, friends, and at work. Give yourself kindness. Practice taking care of yourself daily - In fact, make the breathing practice part of your morning routine - and even practice when you transition in your day. Again, Breathe 3 times fully, from your belly - and exhale even slower than your inhale. Take 2-5 minutes to pause throughout your day. We set ourself up for inner success, when we make room for ourself during our non-triggered moments. The body will learn what this new pattern of full breathing feels like (because we usually only breathe shallow breaths.) In this spacious place, we create more ease and flow, with unlimited opportunities.
YOU are the greatest gift to your inner well being!
May Your Holidays And The Year of 2021 Be Your Biggest and Brightest Moments—Filled With Joy, Peace, And Love!
Exquisite Leader. Exquisite Life.