#RealEstate #Equity #Reposition U.S. #Household #Net #Worth #Hits #Record $141 Trillion
#Household net worth reached $141.7 trillion (#One #Hundred #Forty?#One #Trillion #Seven #Hundred #Billion) #increasing by $5.8 trillion for the #Year (#Five #Trillion #Eight #Hundred Billion), or 4.3%, to ?
#Second - #Quarter #Realestate #values #jump a #record $1.2 #trillion (#One #Trillion, #Two #Hundred #Billion)
#Market #value of #equity #holdings continued to #increase U.S. #household #net #worth #surged to a #fresh #record in the #second #quarter as #Americans enjoyed an #ebullient #stock #market and the #largest-#ever #increase in the #value of their #real #estate #realestate #holdings.
??In the second quarter of 2023, the total #number of #mortgaged #residential #properties with #negative #equity #decreased by 6% (#Six #Percent) from the first quarter of 2023, #representing 1.1 million (#One #Million #One #Hundred) #more #homes #available for #refinance, or 2% (#Two #Percent) of #all mortgaged properties.
?#Hoffghani #RanchoSantaFe #RSF #SanDiego #CA #California #WestCoast #USA #UnitedStates #America #Repositioning #Technology #Luxury #Career #SecuredCapitalHoldings #CSULB @LBSUAthletics @lbsu_lifting_club #THELBC #GoBeach @ LBSUMBB Facebook.com/LBDirtbags/ https://lnkd.in/gxSvhbY9
https://lnkd.in/dwN8xvzK @SecuredCapitalHoldings @SCHRSF@LBSUTrackXC www.facebook.com/schrsfca https://lnkd.in/d9n2AUk6 https://lnkd.in/gJvd4JSZ https://lnkd.in/guFy_fPh https://twitter.com/SCHRSF https://lnkd.in/gqsyfvuf
From #RealEstate To #Rap #CEO #StephenSchwarzman of
https://www.blackstone.com $1,000,000,000,000 (#One #Trillion) #AUM #Assets #Under #Management #sold #DeathRowRecords to, #invested in, and #Reunited #Snoopdogg & #DeathRowRecords #Private #Equity #PrivateEquity #IS the #Finance #Industry #Linkedin #Twitter #Instagram #Networking #Financial #Business #Blog #HoffAGhani linkedin.com/in/hoffghani #SCHRSF #SFSRSF #RSFLC #SMSRSF
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