Real world XR / VR use cases & what value should I expect?
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Real world XR / VR use cases & what value should I expect?

It seems that there is a lot of companies creating VR content and tech, for people new to this technology / industry it must be confusing as hell. There is a lot of bold promises and marketing hype, it seems that every vendor has some VR capability in the mainstream PLM land.

The VR / XR journey that most companies have started, is a minefield in terms of the likelihood of finding real tangible business value. Let me be more blunt, the problem is about documenting the cost saving in a way that can be easily measured and captured.

How to Document the Cost Savings of XR Usage

McKinsey Tech Trends Outlook 2023 (15 Technology Areas)

If you look at the McKinsey video above, XR is quickly slipping down the importance priority list, last year it was 9 out of 15. I believe that this is down to people / companies, over selling what clients can be achieved by their tools and then under delivering, actual documented value (cost savings, Quality improvements, getting to market faster etc.).

It is simply not good enough to immerse people in their product or plant, they need to be able to naturally interact with their surroundings. I doesn't have to be fully rendered and super life like but it does need to add more than just a visual experience.

I'm interested to see how people and companies are documenting the value they are getting from Immersive technology, is there some "best in class" way to capture this to help demonstrate a Return On Investment. I have used a few methods / processes but wanted to see if I can learn from the Global XR Community. Thanks for reading Paul


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