Real world positioned images in DWG
One fantastic feature in QGIS is the ability to save and reuse topo images. The georeference information is stored in socalled 'world files' that can be used not only in GIS, but also in CAD. Various alternative DWG can use this ability. GstarCAD, BricsCAD and other competing have this built in.
To use georeference images in your design just follow these simple 4 steps.
Step 1. Install the latest version of QGIS, get familiar... :P
(otherwise contact someone you knows a bit of .. 'Geographic Information Modeling' )
Step 2. Save as image from a service. Make sure to apply the options 'append world file'
Step 3. Use the option in BricsCAD Shape, command IMAGEATTACH. Depending on the software this dialogbox may look a bit differently.
4. All Done! Your fresh new dwg file can now to be for georeferencing. QGIS works with [meters] Adjust the units setting to scale effective.
Note: In normal AutoCAD this feature is not available (built-in) However, there are some free utilities available to achieve the same goal. So, with a small tweak in your daily routine this can be done in normal AutoCAD as well. For more info, feel free to contact me.
Update feb. 2023
Using (AutoCAD) Civil3D / MAP this feature is available using command: MAPiiNSERT.
Besides Qgis, for the Netherlands, you can use sourcefiles with this link
Watch this video for Civil3D and the screenshots below.