Real-World Navigation: Part Two
In part two of the series we’ll take a look at some of the other factors that may affect our decisions when navigating a route.
Contouring is nothing more than following a contour line on the map; doing this greatly reduces height gain and loss, but to use contouring to your advantage you'll need to be quite a competent navigator already. The theory is easy to understand and now that you can navigate the inherent problems with contouring should be overcome with a little practice.
As we’ve already said, the theory behind contouring is ‘Why go over the top of a hill when you can maintain the same height by going around, and use less energy?’ Surely, this theory is sensible? On the whole yes, it is; however, there are many things to weigh up when considering whether to go ‘over’ or ‘around’ the hill. Let's take a look at some of the different aspects that may require consideration.
Slope Angle
The slope angle is important because if it’s too steep your contouring progress will be hampered by the fact that one leg (and foot) will be taking much more load than the other, this will be more apparent if you are carrying a heavy rucksack. The result may be aching knees, twisted ankles and aching hip joints as well as general instability, possibly resulting in a fall on steep ground. There is also a strong possibility that due to the steep slope angle there will be many re-entrants (and resulting spurs) on your journey around, making for wet dangerous crossings and extremely steep slopes in and out; all this takes time and energy, the very commodities that you're trying to save!
The terrain is also an important consideration because certain terrain, such as a boulder field, is better tackled head-on, while other terrain such as grassy scrub and moorland lends itself better to contouring. If animals are grazing on the terrain, such as sheep, look for their trails; sheep are masters at contouring!
Where to Exit
The decision on where to exit your contour gives you the greatest problem, especially in poor visibility. If you ask a navigator this question many will say ‘That’s easy! You just set your compass to the bearing that you want to come off at and when this is at 90 Degrees to the hillside the exit point has been reached.’ This is of course, exactly correct (in theory) but almost impossible to achieve in poor visibility, often resulting in massive cross track errors. You could always set the exit point in your G.P.S. as a way-point but that would be cheating! The correct way is to count the re-entrants around to your exit point and then pace the remaining distance. You would then make the next ‘leg’ as short as possible to give an exact position, a track junction, footbridge, stream intersection or anything else that is prominent on the map.
The weather may play a part in your decision due to the fact that there may be extremely high winds around and on the summit; with a large rucksack the risk of being blown off a rocky summit has to be considered. Cold may be another reason, lower temperatures combined with wind chill, snow and ice under foot, freezing rain all make contouring at a lower level desirable. Heat is another reason; Steep climbs when carrying a heavy rucksack generate a massive amount of heat, and although your body is well equipped to disperse this, the rucksack on your back has other ideas. The rucksack not only stops the sweat cooling you down but urges your body to produce more sweat to compensate! This can result in dehydration and can very quickly lead to heat exhaustion, and if not addressed can escalate into heatstroke. An ambient temperature above 32 centigrade is a point to look out for; at this temperature your body will start to take on heat as the temperature differential between your core and your skin reduces. Your body will naturally produce more sweat in an effort to maintain the differential that it requires. This is why temperatures above 32 centigrade with 100% relative humidity are so dangerous; your sweat can’t evaporate due to the humidity, and if it can’t evaporate it can’t cool you down.
Time & Distance
Time and distance are always difficult to determine as there are so many variables, such as weather, fitness, terrain, load and equipment. If you're in a group, the complications are extended even further; however, we do have certain guides that help us work out times and distances such as Naismith’s rule and Tranter’s corrections.
Naismith’s Rule and Tranter's Corrections
This is simply 5km per hour plus an additional 30 minutes for every 300m of ascent. Simple on the face of it and it generally works out quite well. As of yet we've not made any allowances for going downhill; generally, most hikers will increase speed when descending gentle slopes of between say 5 & 10 degrees but if we go much steeper we take smaller steps and actually slow down. If you wish to make an allowance for this the general rule is:
Gentle downhill subtract 10 minutes for every 300m of descent.
Steeply downhill add 10 minutes for every 300m of descent.
Tranter’s corrections allow for all sorts of things and before you know it you’ll need a calculator the size of your back garden and a master’s degree in applied mathematics to make any sense out of it! Don’t be discouraged, part three offers a much better solution!
What is fitness? Fitness takes many forms; a top triathlete may not even be able to complete a moderate hike with an average 15 kg rucksack; this does not make him unfit, just unsuitable for the job in hand. The situation is reversed when a hiker that can cover 60 km in 20 hours over extremely rough terrain while carrying a 25 kg rucksack couldn’t hope to be competitive in a triathlon. We train our bodies for the job in hand and this is the basis for Tranter’s corrections to Naismith’s rule.
Load Carried
The load we carry slows us down and this, of course, is to be expected; however, the quantity of load may vary enormously from perhaps 2 kg for a small rucksack with 1 litre of water and an energy bar to a 30 kg rucksack containing the gear for a lengthy adventure. A heavy rucksack will reduce your progress, the amount will depend on your fitness and ability to carry such loads over long periods.
When to Move
The decision on when to move, or indeed, when to stop, is dictated as much by equipment as it is by ability and fitness. If you’re caught in an electrical storm and your planned route takes in a summit you may wish to stop for a while, or if your schedule does not allow for this you may decide to contour at a lower level in order to reduce the risk to an acceptable level. Many say that it is unwise to travel in darkness but the risk may be reduced considerably by wearing head torches and navigating a safer route.
Staying Out of Harm’s Way
Navigating a safe route is always foremost in the navigator’s mind but this should be based around the weakness of the individual group members more than their strengths; if some of the group are apprehensive where heights are concerned it would be unwise to plan a route containing a grade 3 scramble, it sounds obvious but I’ve seen it done. Knowledge of mountain weather will also have an impact on your planned route coupled with the equipment with which to deal with it.
Wild Camping
When on multi-day trips the navigator will be able to plan the wild camps giving most, if not all of the basic needs of water, shelter, terrain, drainage and safety. It is annoying to say the least when a poor navigator plans a route with a wild camp that on arrival has none of the essentials and a further two hours have to be spent looking for somewhere suitable, now in total darkness!
In part three we’ll take a look at how the Special Forces view the situation and how this alters from our own perspective.