The "REAL VALUE" of Companies!
Brites Matos
CEO / Owner&Founder na Bricer Unipessoal Lda / Business Development / International /Procurement Specialist
In this global and immensely dynamic world we live in, every day we hear about "Unicorns", about start-ups, about investments,losses, interests, about the "value of money", and about "money in value", and about companies with it own value, in which that value can only and usually be summed up by the number of straight zeros,at right of any other number, that they can potentially and allegedly represent and signify.
?Of course, these zeros translate the "real value" of a company, as an asset; As an investment for third parties,or as a potential profit, for those who own it or ant to invest in it....
?But is this, in fact, the "Value In real ", that is exactly the "REAL VALUE" in "essence" of companies?
?Since we, in Bricer , and my self, like to be different in everything, starting with our own products,and our own mission, we will also be different here, in this so specific definition and aproach to this so kind of issue...
??And we are not afraid to say it openly, that for us, at Bricer , the "Real Value" of a company - are not zeros in the right of anything!
The "Real value" for us as a company: is in who we are, as an entity and as our own ethical values that we follow straight forward without any deviation!
And in our market, where we operate, we must have in fact, high values, and high strengt to deal with all the uncertanty and incontancy of what surround us everywhere, because:
?Every day we hear a no, but sometimes we are surprised by a yes, which gives us encouragement...
?Every day, we may lose a client, but a new one arrives, which motivates us...
?Every day we may lose a partner, but gain a new one, that motivates us...
Every day we may lose a business, but after a new opportunities arise that make us happy?...
?Every day, the brand that yesterday was indispensable, today has become secondary...
?Every day, the brand that yesterday represented little, today is primordial?...
?Every day we can be disappointed with something or somebody, and every day we believe again in another beginning...
??Every day we fall, and every day we get up again...
?Every day : everything changes and nothing remains the same, and the tomorrow we see is always new...
?And Every day, we adapt to the constant and challenging changes of what surrounds us, and it is this ability that we have as a company, as persons, in a world so dynamic, so hurried, so ephemeral, that gives us the definition of what in fact is REAL for us, what in Facto is the REAL VALUE; and what is the true essence of something, or of someone... and this something, is definitely not a number, but yes, and definitely somethins intangible thats is meausured by our strength and our resilience, that are connected to our values and on our ethics!
Be Different with Bricer