Is it Real or .... ?

Is it Real or .... ?

I heard a friend today say that we’re living in a Post-Trust world.? And I think she’s right.? AI is just making it harder. Deep Fake videos are hard to uncover.? They can seem indistinguishable from real people.? ?How can you trust anything you see?? I’ll tell you in a bit.

But first, know that not all video trickery is bad.? I may have been involved in some myself. ?I’m doing a brand expansion putting out there all the groups I’ve been working with—not just fraud prevention.? ?Check out my latest demo video, get the scoop…and go down the rabbit hole if you dare:

Fun, right?? For anyone who can tell me where I got the diamond and also where I got my sparkly shoes you’ll be entered into a drawing for 3 $25 Amazon Gift Cards to be drawn on Nov 15.? (You need both answers, and they can only be found by going down the rabbit hole. The clue on exactly where to find the answers is on my site.? You just have to look a little. Good luck!)


But not everyone is up to fun with their fakes.? Cyber criminals are spreading mis-information and also trying to change your mind, steal your identity and credit card numbers by using them.? Here’s how you can spot a fake.? Look for:

A lack of emotion:?You also can spot facial morphing or image stitches if someone’s face doesn’t seem to exhibit the emotion that should go along with what they’re supposedly saying

Unnatural coloring:?Abnormal skin tone, discoloration, weird lighting, and misplaced shadows are all signs that what you’re seeing is likely fake.

Unnatural eye movement:?Eye movements that do not look natural — or a lack of eye movement, such as an absence of blinking — are red flags. It’s challenging to replicate the act of blinking in a way that looks natural. It’s also challenging to replicate a real person’s eye movements. That’s because someone’s eyes usually follow the person they’re talking to.

Unnatural Stiffness:? Hands that seem perpetually stiff and fingers that don’t move individually

Here’s a sample of a deep fake on Anderson Cooper that looks pretty real but notice how the Deepfake doesn’t quite have natural movements- he’s stiffer- ?and the emotion in his voice is monotone.?

It takes a sharp eye to pick these things out. Now is the time to question everything you see.


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