Real-time interior visualization starter guide
David Sierra, 2024. Cover and final image of real-time interior visualization starter guide

Real-time interior visualization starter guide

This guide walks you through creating a real-time interior visualization in Unreal Engine. You will start by setting up a new project and level. Then, you will create the environment lighting and build the basic room structure using static meshes. Next, you will learn how to set up a camera to frame your scene and save your progress. The guide also offers an optional section where you can download a pre-built archviz interior project to explore its structure and assets.

Following that, you will delve into using filters in the Content Browser to manage your project's assets. You will then learn how to import furniture meshes and position them in the scene. This is followed by adding lights to illuminate the interior space and assigning materials to the furniture to define their textures. Finally, the guide covers setting up your viewport for high-quality, real-time rendering of your finished interior scene.

1. Project and Level Creation

This section covers setting up a new project in Unreal Engine and creating a level within that project to work on your visualization.

1.1. Start the engine

To initiate the Unreal Engine via the Epic Games Launcher, navigate to the Library tab and select Launch adjacent to Unreal Engine.

Epic Games Launcher

1.2. Create new project

To initiate a new project, navigate to the Games section and select Third Person followed by Blueprint. Ensure the target platform is set to Desktop with the quality preset at Maximum. Starter content should be turned Off, and ray tracing should also be Off. Assign a unique name to your project under Name Project and specify a custom location for the project under Project Location. Once all settings are configured, click Create to begin your new project.

Unreal Project Browser Window

1.3. Create a new level

To create a new level in your project, navigate through the menu: File > New Level. In the New Level Tab, select Empty Level and click Create to initiate a new level.

New Level Tab

2. Environment Lighting and Static Mesh Creation

In this section, we explore the foundational steps for crafting basic environmental lighting and constructing the initial room layout with static meshes. The focus is on establishing a visually cohesive space that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

2.1. Create ambient lighting

To enhance your 3D scene, navigate to Window > Env. Light Mixer to access the Env. Light Mixer Window. Here, you can Create Sky Light to simulate natural daylight. For more atmospheric effects, select Create Atmospheric Light and Create Sky Atmospheric options. To add dynamic cloud formations, use the Create Volumetric Cloud feature. Lastly, to simulate low-lying mist or fog, opt for Create Height Fog.

Env. Light Mixer Window

2.2. Create box 1

To create a box 1 with the specified dimensions, navigate to the Mode Selection and choose Modeling. From there, proceed to Create Category and select the Box Tool. In the Create Box Tool Properties, set the Output Type to Static Mesh. Enter the dimensions: Width [640], Depth [840], Height [340]. Click in the viewport to place the box. To adjust its position and orientation, use the Transform Panel. Set Move Red, Rotate Red, Move Green, Rotate Green, Move Blue, and Rotate Blue all to [0]. Confirm your settings by clicking Accept.

Mode Selection, Unreal Editor Interface
Box Tool Properties, Modeling Mode, Unreal Editor Interface

2.3. Create box 2

To create a box 2 with the specified properties, first select the Create Category and then choose the Box Tool from the Modeling Mode. In the Create Box Tool Properties, set the Output Type to Static Mesh. Adjust the dimensions by setting Width to [600], Depth to [800], and Height to [300]. Ensure the Pivot Location is set to Top.

Next, click in the viewport to place the box. In the Transform Panel, set all Move and Rotate values for Red and Green to [0]. For Blue, set Move to [320] and Rotate to [0]. Finally, click Create to complete the process.

Create Category, Modeling Mode, Unreal Editor Interface
Box Tool Properties, Modeling Mode, Unreal Editor Interface

2.4. Box-in-box check

Verify the positioning of box 2 within box 1 through different viewport options.

Level Viewport Options > Front

Ensure that box 2 is accurately placed inside box 1.

Front Orthographic, Level Viewport, Unreal Editor Interface

Level Viewport Options > Top

Confirm that box 2 remains within the boundaries of box 1.

Top Orthographic, Level Viewport, Unreal Editor Interface

2.5. Back to perspective view

To return to the perspective view in your viewport, simply select Level Viewport Options and then Perspective, or use the keyboard shortcut ALT + G.

Perspective, Level Viewport, Unreal Editor Interface

2.6. Create interior space

To create an interior space, navigate to the Outliner Panel. Select box 2 and then box 1 using CTRL + Click, ensuring both are highlighted. Proceed to Mode Selection and choose Modeling Mode. Within the Model Category, locate and select the Boolean Tool.

Model Category, Modeling Mode, Unreal Editor Interface

In the Mesh Boolean Tool Properties, set the Operation to Difference B - A. This will subtract the volume of box A from box B. For Output Type, choose Static Mesh if you require a non-editable model. Name your mesh Boolean_Interior for easy identification. Before finalizing, select Handle Inputs and choose Delete Inputs to remove the original boxes from your scene. Click Accept to apply the changes.

Mesh Boolean Tool Properties, Modeling Mode, Unreal Editor Interface

2.7. Create window

Access the Outliner Panel and select the new static mesh resulting from the Boolean operation. Switch to Modeling Mode, then navigate to Create Category and select the Cube Grid Tool.

Outliner Panel, Modeling Mode, Unreal Editor Interface

Cube Grid Tool Properties

Set Grid Power to [3] and Current Block Size to [25]. Using the grid overlay on the viewport, select the window area on the static mesh from the Boolean operation. Press Q or use the Push function, then click Accept to finalize.

Cube Grid Tool, Modeling Mode, Unreal Editor Interface

3. Camera Creation

Here, you will learn how to set up a camera to frame your interior scene.

3.1. Interior perspective view

To access the Level Viewport Options for a perspective view, use the keyboard shortcut ALT + G. After activating this shortcut, navigate in the viewport until you are inside the static mesh resulting from the Boolean operation.

Perspective, Level Viewport, Unreal Editor Interface

3.2. Selection mode

Mode Selection > Selection

Selection Mode, Unreal Editor Interface

3.3. Place actor panel

To place actors in your scene, navigate to the Main Toolbar and select Create Shortcut. From there, choose Place Actors Panel.

Create Shortcut, Unreal Editor Interface

3.4. Create cine camera actor

To add a Cine Camera Actor to your scene, navigate to the Place Actors Panel, select Cinematic, and then choose Cine Camera Actor. Simply drag and drop the actor into the scene.

Place Actors Panel, Unreal Editor Interface

3.5. Locate the camera

Access the Outliner Panel and select the [CinecameraActor]. Then, in the Level Viewport, use the [Transform controls] to position the camera. Adjust the details further in the Details Panel under Transform Options.

Outliner Panel and Details Panel, Unreal Editor Interface

Move the actor within the viewport to frame your desired render.

Outliner Panel and Details Panel, Unreal Editor Interface

3.6. Set current focal length

To adjust the focal length in your scene, navigate to the Outliner Panel and select the CinecameraActor. Then, in the Details Panel, locate the Current Focal Length setting and change the value to [20].

Outliner Panel and Details Panel, Unreal Editor Interface

4. Save assets

This section covers saving your progress, including the level itself and any assets you have created.

4.1. Save current level as

Access the Menu Bar and navigate to the File Menu. Select [Save Current Level As] to open the Save Level As tab. In the tab, navigate to the Content folder, right-click and choose [New Folder]. Name this new folder [Create Interior]. Then, select the newly created folder, name your level [LV_Interior], and click Save to complete the process.

Save Level As Tab

4.2. Save all option

Access the Content Drawer to utilize the Save All Option. Navigate to the Save Content Tab and select Save Selected to preserve your desired items.

Save Content Tab

5. Download archviz interior sample project

This section provides an alternative approach where you can download a pre-built archviz interior project and explore its structure.

5.1. Unreal engine marketplace

To access the Archviz interior assets, launch the Epic Games Launcher, navigate to Unreal Engine, and then to Marketplace. In the Search Bar, type [Archviz interior], set Max Price to [Free], and double-click on the Archviz Interior option.

Marketplace, Epic Games Launcher

Once in the Marketplace, select ArchViz Interior and Click on [Create Project] to start a new project.

ArchViz Interior Sample Project, Marketplace, Epic Games Launcher

Go to the Choose Project Name and Location Tab, select your desired folder, choose the most recent version available, and click Create.

Choose Project Name and Location Tab, Epic Games Launcher

6. Archviz Interior

Upon accessing the sample project, this guide will assist you in efficiently exploring the project space and locating essential assets.

6.1. Open the project

Navigate to Windows File Explorer, select the location where your project is saved, open the project folder, and start the project by clicking on the file with the Unreal Engine Project type.

ArchViz Interior Sample Project File Location, Windows File Explorer

6.2. Locate the asset folders

In the Outliner Panel, select the Couch and Right-click [Browse to Asset].

ArchViz Interior Sample Project File Location, Windows File Explorer

After this action, the content browser will open at the asset's location. The assets for the static mesh of the furniture can be found in the Meshes folder.

Content Browser, Unreal Editor Interface, ArchViz Interior Sample Project

Next, in the Outliner Panel, select the Couch and navigate to the Details Panel. Under Material Options, click on the [Browse to asset button].

Details Panel, Unreal Editor Interface, ArchViz Interior Sample Project

Following this step, the content browser will again open at the asset's location. The assets related to the furniture's materials are in the Materials folder.

Content Browser, Unreal Editor Interface, ArchViz Interior Sample Project

Finally, click on any material instance. This will open the Material Instance Editor. In its Details Panel, under Textures options, click on [Browse to asset button].

Material Instance Editor, ArchViz Interior Sample Project

Once completed, the content browser will open at the asset's location. The assets for the textures of the materials are in the textures folder.

Content Browser, Material Instance Editor, ArchViz Interior Sample Project

6.3. Asset migration

To migrate assets, navigate to the Content Browser, select the Textures folder, then right-click and choose [Migrate]. An Asset Report will appear; confirm with [Ok]. Next, select a destination Content folder Tab for the project you are developing the visualization in. Click on the [Content folder] and then Select Folder to finalize the migration.

Migrate Assets, ArchViz Interior Sample Project

6.4. Close the project

To close the project, navigate to the 'Save Content Tab'. If you do not wish to save the current changes, select 'Don't Save'.

Save Content Tab, ArchViz Interior Sample Project

7. Filters

This section covers using filters in the Content Browser to help you manage your project assets.

7.1. Add filters

To filter content in the Content Browser, select the All folder and click on the Filters button. Choose the Level filter to display all level assets. To focus on a specific level, double-click the level you are working on for visualization.

Filters, Content Browser, Unreal Engine Interface

7.2. Reset filters

To reset the filters in the Content Browser, simply click on the Filters button and select Reset Filters.

Content Browser, Unreal Engine Interface

8. Adding furniture to the scene

In this section, you will discover the process of integrating furniture models into your environment, whether by importing pre-existing meshes from the project you have downloaded or by crafting your own designs, and accurately placing them within your scene for enhanced realism and functionality.

8.1. Drag and drop meshes

To add a mesh to your level, navigate to the Content Browser, select the 'Meshes migrated folder', click on your desired mesh, and then drag and drop it into the level viewport.

Content Browser, Unreal Engine Interface

8.2. Position the mesh

To position the mesh in your project, go to the Outliner Panel, select the mesh actor, and then use the Level Viewport Transform Controls or the Transform Options in the Details panel to adjust its position.

Content Browser, Outliner Panel, Details Panel, Unreal Engine Interface

8.3. Pin preview

To pin a preview of the CineCameraActor in the Level Viewport, simply select the CineCameraActor and click on the Pin preview button.

Content Browser, Outliner Panel, Details Panel, Unreal Engine Interface

Drag and drop more meshes into the scene, then position them using the transform controls and tools to achieve the desired layout.

Content Browser, Outliner Panel, Details Panel, Level Viewport Options, Unreal Engine Interface

8.4. Duplicate actors and snapping

To duplicate an actor in the Level Viewport, click on the desired actor, then press ALT and move the gizmo. This action will create a duplicate of the actor. To snap the duplicate with the floor, move the gizmo along the Z axis and press the END key.

Details Panel, Unreal Editor Interface

Use the level viewport options to position the actors, accordingly, ensuring optimal visibility and interaction within the scene.

Wireframe, Level Viewport Options, Outliner Panel, Unreal Editor Interface

Repeat this procedure with the new meshes to maintain consistency and functionality throughout the development process.

Location of actors in the scene

9. Add Lighting

This section covers adding lights to your scene to illuminate the interior space.

9.1. Rect light

To add a Rect Light to your scene, navigate through the Main Toolbar. Select Create Shortcut, then Lights, and finally choose Rect Light.

Create Shortcut, Main Toolbar, Unreal Editor Interface

9.2. Position the rect light

Access the Outliner Panel and select the RectLight actor. You can position it using either the level viewport Transform Controls or by adjusting the Transform Options in the Details panel.

Outliner Panel, Details Paner, Transform Tools, Unreal Editor Interface

Ensure to verify the final meshes positioning details carefully.

Location of actors in the scene

Lastly, confirm the final composition is as intended.

Unreal Editor Interface

10. Add materials to the meshes

Here, you will learn how to assign materials to your furniture meshes to give them textures and surface properties.

10.1. Materials

To apply materials to a mesh actor, open the Outliner Panel and select the desired mesh actor. Then, navigate to the Content Browser and locate the Materials Folder. Select the material you wish to use and go to the Details Panel. Within the Materials Options, click on the Use Selected Asset from Content Browser Button to apply the materials to each material option as needed.

Content Browser, Outliner Panel, Details Panel, Transform Tools, Unreal Editor Interface

11. Real-time rendering option

Real-time rendering options enhance the visualization process, allowing for immediate feedback while adjusting lighting, materials, and camera settings. Optimizing these settings can significantly improve the quality of your interior scene's portrayal.

11.1. Game view and cinematic scalability

To enhance your game's visual fidelity, navigate to Viewport options and select Enable Game View. Within the Settings Options, adjust the Engine Scalability Settings to Cinematic for the highest quality rendering.

Level Viewport, Unreal Editor Interface

11.2. Cinematic viewport

To access the cinematic features of the Level Viewport, navigate to Level Viewport Options and select Cinematic Viewport. This will enable the CineCameraActor, providing advanced options for a more refined visual output.

Cinematic Viewport, Level Viewport, Unreal Editor Interface

11.3. Focus settings

To adjust the manual focus distance on your CineCameraActor, navigate to the Outliner Panel and select your camera. In the Details Panel, locate the Manual Focus Distance option. Use the Eyedropper tool by clicking on the central point of the viewport to set the focus precisely where you need it.

Cinematic Viewport, Level Viewport, Unreal Editor Interface

11.4. Exposure

In the Outliner Panel, select the CineCameraActor to adjust its exposure settings. Navigate to the Details Panel, where you will find the Exposure Compensation [Custom] option. This allows for fine-tuning of the camera's exposure level to achieve the desired visual effect. Additionally, you can set the Min EV100 [Custom] and Max EV100 [Custom] values to define the minimum and maximum exposure values, ensuring consistent lighting across your scenes.

Cinematic Viewport, Level Viewport, Unreal Editor Interface

11.5. Film options

Adjusting the Details Panel settings in the CineCameraActor can significantly impact the visual style of your film. In the Details Panel, you have the option to customize the Slope, Toe, and Shoulder of your camera's response curve, allowing for precise control over how your camera interprets light and color.

Cinematic Viewport, Level Viewport, Unreal Editor Interface

11.6. High resolution screenshot

To capture a high-resolution screenshot, navigate to the Viewport Options, then select High Resolution Screenshot. In the 'High Resolution Screenshot Tab', you will find the Screenshot Size Multiplier where you can input a custom value to adjust the size of your capture.

High Resolution Screenshot Tab

Congratulations! You have successfully built the foundation for your real-time interior visualization in Unreal Engine. This guide has provided you with the knowledge you need to set up your environment, add furniture and materials, and explore real-time rendering options. Remember to save your progress frequently as you continue to develop your scene. Feel free to refer to the linked documentation for more advanced topics, and feel free to experiment with different types of lighting, materials, and camera angles to bring your creative vision to life. With practice, you will be creating stunning, realistic interior visualizations in no time.

David Sierra, 2024. Cover and final image of real-time interior visualization starter guide


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