Real-time Analytics: Streaming SQL Server Data to Fabric using Debezium
This article draws a method to stream data in real-time from SQL Server to Fabric using Debezium, enabling real-time replication based on events, similar to Synapse Link.
Why do we need real-time analytics? That's a question best answered by the customers who demand it. The objective is to meet this demand with little coding.
To achieve this, I explored various solutions and found a valuable approach shared by Alexander. He demonstrated how to bring SQL Server data to Azure Hub using Debezium and was kind enough to share his script, which I modified slightly for my purpose (Here).
SQL Server to Event Hub using Debezium
Event-hub to KSQLDB
First Try: Event Hub to Event Stream
Unfortunately, the JSON format of Debezium proved incompatible, failing.
Second Try: Event Hub to KSQLDB
It was necessary to consider the input as text to read in KSQLDB. Below are the step-by-step instructions:
1.>Connect EventHub to KSQL DB: Follow the instructions provided here.
Event Hub namespaces: your link.
Event Hub: transmute.
Share Access Key Name: your Key Name.
Share Access Key: your key.
Data format: TXT
*Important: If I choose another option I will get an error.
2.>Create Materialized Views: Create materialized views for easy use (view this query in 4.query realtime.ksql).
.create materialized-view
with (backfill=true, effectiveDateTime=datetime(2019-01-01)) Stock1
on table even5
| where payload_source.table == "Stock" and payload_op <> ""
| project this = iif(payload_op=="d", payload_before, payload_after),payload_op,payload_ts_ms
| summarize arg_max(payload_ts_ms, this.Price, payload_op) by tostring(this.Stock_Code)
.create materialized-view
with (backfill=true, effectiveDateTime=datetime(2019-01-01)) Customer1
on table even5
| where payload_source.table == "CUSTOMER" and payload_op <> ""
| project this = iif(payload_op=="d", payload_before, payload_after),payload_op,payload_ts_ms
| summarize arg_max(payload_ts_ms, this.Name, payload_op) by tostring(this.Customer_Code)
3:>Consume a Real-time Table in Power BI: Once the above steps are complete, you can consume a real-time table in Power BI by using materialized views. In this example below: Customer1, Stock1.
I can efficiently achieve real-time analytics with minimal coding with Fabric through Debezium.
[Thanks to Huy ??ng for the information in this post]