Real talk on the role of EDs and Boards in fundraising

Real talk on the role of EDs and Boards in fundraising

If you are an executive director, what is your role in fundraising?

What is your board's role in fundraising?

Your response may be "Not at all, that's what I have my development team for," to "I am part of every major solicitation." I am sure your response to the board's role is varied too.

This week on The influential Nonprofit, , the Nonprofit Fixer, shares some real talk on the role of the ED and board in fundraising. After five stints as an executive director and millions of dollars raise for causes, campaigns and candidates, he shares tried and true insights on how to raise more money.?

Sean's wisdom:As executive director, you set the conditions for fundraising success. As executive director, you should be a part of every major gift solicitation. Your team set the groundwork, but your role is to close the deal.?

Fundraising is a partnership that will help create the world that the doer and the donor want to see. It’s an incredibly generous act to give someone an opportunity to be part of the change and the movement. If there is resistance to asking or see fundraising as a burden, you won't enjoy it and won't be as successful.?

Sean shares tremendous insight, wisdom and inspiration for EDs and board members to step into their leadership as fundraisers. Share this with your ED or board members who may need some encouragement.

The board owns the nonprofit. And all owners of all corporations, including not-for-profit corporations are responsible for revenue. Period. The board owns the corporation, all owners are responsible for revenue.


In case no one has told you yet today, you are awesome.


PS: Are you feeling resistant about fundraising? Do you want to grow in your skills so you can truly lead the organization in all aspects, including fundraising, let's talk about how I can help.? ?You set the standard for fundraising success! The more you embrace it, and find the ease and joy, others will too. Talk soon!


