Real Stress???

Real Stress???

Everyone has experienced stress at least once in their life when facing certain situations. It starts from when we first learn to walk, struggle to reach things as kids, learn to ride a bike, or go to school for the first time. As children, the stress might not feel as heavy as it does during teenage or adult years. But stress, whether it helps us grow or brings us down, can be very strong if something happens that goes beyond what we can handle.

What does "beyond what we can handle" mean? In psychology, it's known as the "window of tolerance." Everyone has this zone or so called window, and it helps us deal with situations in life. We function best when we can manage our emotions and responses effectively. Stress is contextual, meaning it can change as the world around us changes.

Many of us know the word "stress," but it means different things to different people. Some think stress is anxiety, negative emotions, feeling pressured, or uncomfortable. This shows that stress is relative and subjective, influenced by each person's experiences. There isn’t one absolute concept of stress. But is there a universal definition of stress?

Yes, there is! Stress is defined as the physical and psychological response that happens when we face demands or pressures that we can't handle well. Stress is different from feeling pressured. Feeling pressured is usually negative, while stress can be positive. When we feel pressured, we might feel sad, anxious, hopeless, or overwhelmed. Long-term pressure can be a symptom of stress.

Basically, stressors (things that cause stress) create stress, which leads to our stress response. No two people respond to the same stressor in the same way. Stressors can come from many things, like being given a big project on a topic you're not familiar with. This can cause stress, either positive (eustress) or negative (distress), because there's a gap in your knowledge that you need to fill.

Stress affects our body, emotions, thoughts, and behavior. Physically, you might get headaches, muscle tension, high blood pressure, and a weakened immune system. Your concentration at work might suffer, you might find it hard to make decisions or solve problems, and feel mentally exhausted. Behaviorally, your eating habits could change, either eating too little or too much. You might withdraw from social interactions and have trouble sleeping. Emotionally, you might feel anxious, irritable, or pressured.

Therefore, it's important to:

  1. Recognize and acknowledge the presence of stress.
  2. Know your personal stress responses, like insomnia or digestive issues.
  3. Identify the events or situations causing your stress, such as dealing with an aggressive client, coworkers’ talking behind your back, or having too many deadlines at the same time.
  4. Find personal coping strategies, like relaxation therapy or exercise.


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