The REAL Secret to Goalsetting
Pat Anderson
Public Speaking Coach/Presentation Skills Trainer - MD SKYBORNE MOTIVATION
CLARITY CLARITY CLARITY - WOW, one of the most powerful words in the English language! It's like paint by numbers for those of us who are unable to draw anything more than a stickman(Yup, that's me)! For so many years I'd set out my goals and enthusiastically pin them up where I could see them each day,(repetition for emphasis), and then confidently and energetically plough forward achieving them. That worked for a lot of my goals, however, recently, that changed. Suddenly, the motivation to simply 'do' whatever it took to achieve some of my goals wasn't inspiring me to take action. Initially this really perturbed me. I then decided to 'chunk' down further to gain more clarity on the steps needed to eventually achieve the goal.
After some time and practice I realised that, for myself, the more detailed and clear my goals or plans are, the higher the likelihood of me achieving them. DETAIL.....that's what did it for me......the DETAIL. YES, even the best laid plans can and do go awry at times........but on many occasions the thorough planning and detailed thought served to practically manifest the desired outcome. 'Fail to plan and you plan to fail'; powerful words that when taken heed of, more often than not serve us for the better.
I create a clear picture in my head and then strive to record the necessary steps to take in order to attain realisation of my goal.
1. Create that picture in your head of what it Is that you want.
2. Record the steps to take
3. Be as detailed as possible, offering possible contingencies in advance in the case of your first attempt being thwarted
4. Monitor your progress closely, tweaking further necessary steps in all apt detail.
5. Pat yourself on the back, reward yourself for difficult steps overcome and acknowledge your good focus and disciplined follow through.
Life is constantly challenging us with ongoing distractions and obstacles that may slow us down and, over time, demotivate us IF we let it. By remaining disciplined and focused on the individual steps required to achieve our desired outcome, we greatly improve our chances of moving swiftly in the direction of our dreams. This may well take more time than expected, demand greater energy and a good deal of hard work. However, always remember that perseverance and a healthy dose of 'stick to itness' may well prove to be your secret weapon!