The Real Role of Investing
The Real Role of Investing
How the Future World Look Like
To understand the above, read on …..
1) As I have always maintained, Investing is not about saving
2) Investing is about Spending
3) Investing starts with building a corpus, a source of lifelong cashflow
4) That is the reason “starting early” matters the most because then it provides the corpus enough time to serve the investor too
5) The past was about salary and employee and employers
6) The Future is about Learning, Earning & Investing
7) The Future is about having multiple sources of income
8) The Future is about earning Passive Income
9) Large Entrepreneurs, Authors, Celebrities, Musicians, Singers etc. earn their passive income from their work
10) Others may not be able to unlock passive income from their professions and jobs
11) Investment, however is the only source of Passive Income available to one and all; to each and every citizen
12) This is the most democratized form of Passive Income generator
13) Therefore, investing which starts from college days grows into a sizable threshold level that is capable of providing lifelong cashflow
14) We also call it Financial Freedom
15) By starting investing around the age of 20, you can expect to reach this threshold level by the age of 35 to 40 years
16) Wealth that can become the Source of Passive Income for the next 40 to 45 years
I rest my case