Real to Reel returns
Just to mention that Real to Reel, the film festival launched last year by the magazine I edit, Crafts, is returning to London’s Picturehouse Central very soon. The three day event runs from 2-4 May at Picturehouse Central in London’s Piccadilly and includes a mix of documentaries (on the likes of Kate Malone and Simone ten Hompel to name just two), animation and a little bit of comedy.
There are 44 shorts being shown in total from a bunch of extremely talented directors and makers so it should be a lot of fun. Tickets are priced at £13 (or a tenner if you’re a student) and to see the full programme go to:
It would be really great to see everyone there – I’m bias obviously but I think the whole thing is hugely exciting. Oh and if you can’t make it but fancy a beer after a tough day at London Craft Week, then the Crafts team and I will be in the Picturehouse bar afterwards…