The real reason you’re overcomplicating hitting your goals…
Do you find yourself trying to prep for months and months ahead, only to not follow through on getting your work out there now, today?
Do you love the inspiring feeling of thinking about your big wonderful dreams coming true… and then talk yourself of taking the action you know you need to take… again?!
Bebe, you are NOT alone.
I’ve been there.
All the women I work with have been there.
All the women who have almost worked with me have been there!
I see so many of you out there, making inquiries, reaching out for help… then not following through.
We can so immediately and clearly identify the thing that will help us… but the follow through is the part where we fall prey to the sabotaging-stories…
The ones that tell us to wait… not now… some other, better time in the future…
Or that other sneaky one that has us saying yes to all the things at once, so much that we never gain any real momentum in one direction long enough for it to really pay off…
Maybe you’re trying to launch two businesses at once… (yup, did that one…!)
Maybe you’re trying and failing to manage your schedule because you’re attempting to fit in an inhumane workload… (yup, did that one too….!)
Maybe you’re not being consistent because you don’t have “clarity” on what the hell you’re selling/solving for people… when really you DO know, you’re just shit scared of actually succeeding at it (there’s always a new level of this one!!)
The real reason you’re overcomplicating it, feeling a lack of clarity, feeling too busy to move forward, or feeling indecisive and like you need to do more prep/research/organizing…
…is not a clarity issue…
…is not a productivity issue…
…is a financial resources issue…
…is not a network and connections issue…
…is not a number of social followers issue…
… It’s because you still, at some deep level, don’t feel ready/worthy/deserving/capable enough to have what you desire.
It’s an IDENTITY issue.
Because when you get the inside job sorted. The rest is easy. The rest works. And it takes WAY less work than you were making it before.
When you STOP the overcomplicating.
When you STOP the overworking.
When you STOP the not asking for what you actually want.
When you STOP settling for shit you don’t really want.
When you STOP playing small.
When you STOP pretending to be someone you’re not.
… When you claim your big, bold, powerful, impactful worthy and deserving self… you take the right action TODAY. And the results flow in.
Like almost filling your program before it’s even launched.
Like earning 5-figures before investing a single cent in your online course.
Like smashing your income goals without implementing 80% of any of the online marketing courses you enrolled in.
When you learn to EMBODY your vision, mission and goals NOW TODAY, the results show up for you now, today.
So if you were already succeeding at all you desire, now, today…. how would you be showing up?
You already are her.
For her, creating results is easy.
For her, life is joyful and in flow.
For her, the satisfaction of the impact she’s making is addictive.
For her, celebration is a normal all day long.
What are you now claiming as your new normal…? Hit reply and let me know three things you're not choosing ot step into and I will hold the vision for you...!!
Big Love,