The Real Reason You Set Goals

The Real Reason You Set Goals

Today is the end of the 6 week goal challenge and it is also the end of Q1 for 2015. As we look back over the last 6 weeks to 3 months, I only see opportunities for further growth and greater improvement in all areas of my life.

A lot of the participants have exceeded their goals and some fell just a bit short. If you have not been following the 6 week goal challenge, here is part 1 and part 2.

Some participants have sent me messages and comments expressing a dissatisfaction with themselves and their progress. I thought I would address the real reason behind goal setting and how it fits into our lives from a macro perspective.

Contradictory to popular belief, goal setting is not meant for you to achieve the goal. It is meant to act as a moving target. To always push you to greater heights.

The next logical question becomes; "How should we measure success?"

In the video below, I will take you through the appropriate method of goal setting and how we can all benefit in goal setting and in our lives by measuring our success backwards rather than forward.

This video is dedicated to all participants of the six week goal challenge and to those who simply need the reminder that it is always "progress over perfection."


