The Real Reason Why Online Guru Courses And Fear Based Marketing Is Stopping You From Attracting High-Level Dream Soulmate Clients Now
Charmaine Peart, DipM, MCIM, MCIPR,
Intuitive Six Figure Wealth Mentor ★I Help Ambitious Heart & Soul Driven Women Coaches & Creative Service-Based Entrepreneurs Create the Wealth They Deserve to Change Their Life & Create a Lasting Impact & Legacy!
I see it all the time…
“I need to get to 10k Instagram followers so I can get the brand partnership deals to monetise my audience.”
“I need to start a Facebook group so I can sell my stuff to my members”
“I need to build my list to thousands so I can sell my online course.”
“I need a higher calibre of client.”
It goes on and on and it’s sad to see as ‘online gurus’ preach and sell tactics to encourage people to buy their online course and learn their one magical step to make 6 or 7 figures and it’s all complete BS, lies and fake promises that I am yet to see materialise!
The One Crucial Strategy That is Always Missed Out!
The one crucial strategy that is always missed out,?as I never see it covered in these tactics and online courses, which is the foundation of any business is how to actually get clients to invest in your sacred services.
Imagine that!
You buy a course to help you make thousands and thousands, eventually millions, as stated by the ‘online gurus’ and they don’t help you understand HOW to get clients.
Well, I never!
You buy a course that makes you feel like you’re on the hottest path to 6 or 7 figures but it doesn’t include a map or a compass, just hot air, a confusing path in the forest, over complicated tactics and swamps of useless information.
?? A Business Puzzle Designed to Keep You Busy and Broke!
A business puzzle that wants you to buy the next product and the next and leaving thousands and thousands of coaches confused, frustrated and overwhelmed.
The fundamental business truth I can share with you from 29 years practical experience of helping charities and companies attract and secure dream soulmate clients is this…
Traditional online guru marketing is fear based marketing, that creates FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)! They pop up once or twice a year with a big launch and preach you need to use their preferred social media platform or marketing tactic to build a business like them.
They tell you that you need to build your audience, collect leads, build your list to thousands to make one offer and accept you MAY if you’re lucky convert 1% of your audience or list into sales.
Devote your time and life to figure out…
The perfect opt-in.
The perfect landing page.
The perfect offer.
Drive traffic as much organic or paid traffic to possibly get sign ups you later convert.
I have seen hundreds of women coaches and entrepreneurs across my business network struggle, get frustrated and confused after spending thousands of dollars on online platforms, software, ads or mingling in Facebook groups for years.
And still not be generating the business income they desire.
?You can buy the ‘popular’ online gurus group course and still not get results!
Plus, you don’t need to be one of thousands of people in a group course, learning and planning for months and months for a launch when you can attract clients today, this week, this month!
You have an opportunity to sell daily without the pressure of trying to create the perfect launch once or twice a year or complicated sales funnels, or trying to create the perfect Facebook ads campaign.
?You have the opportunity to double, triple, even 5x your current income just by embracing all of you and going all in on learning and mastering the skills and strategies you need to elevate into your next level of freedom, business impact, income and profits.
?? YOU are a masterpiece, here to change lives and here to change the world. Your sacred and transformational soul work is valuable and you are here to make a powerful difference and bigger impact in the world changing lives daily.
When you discover and leverage the power your unique wealth genius gifts? and wealth creation power to become a money magnet and get on your unique path to financial freedom, you can create the wealth you deserve to change your life and become unstoppable!
All of my clients have experienced life changing results in my sacred and transformational private mentorship. If you’re committed and ready to elevate into your next level of freedom, impact and wealth, you will succeed in my private mentorship.
?? If you are an ambitious heart and soul driven woman coach that is ready to simplify your business to maximise your freedom, business impact, income and profits, build generational wealth and create the lasting impact and legacy you were born to make!
I can help you transform your coaching business and lifestyle. We will work together to help you build your confidence and courage to get paid what you deserve, without feeling guilty, pushy or salesy, working with high-level dream soulmate clients that are excited to pay you!
You deserve personalised support and I guarantee a powerful life changing experience. You will be deeply supported with intuitive soul guidance and high-level transformational business coaching, consulting and soul aligned strategies, to help you create the extraordinary business and life you deserve. If you would like more details, please send me a message and we can see if my private mentorship is a good fit for you.
Love and Light Charmaine xx
? Copyright Charmaine Peart