THE REAL REASON FOR NEW EFFORTS TO ‘FAST-TRACK’ THE CORRUPTION TAINTED, ASBESTOS CONTAMINATED AND FRAUDULENTLY RE-ZONED LOCATION OF THE “BILLION DOLLAR ‘RESORT’”? – which our insider associates tell us is really a scandalous Qld govt Project application to build secret gated Chinese communities with locked up beaches to exclude locals in the Bluewater-Toolakea areas of Townsville Northern Beaches?
On Friday Jenny Hill’s dodgy as well as wilfully blind mouthpiece ‘The Townville Bulletin” (Tony Raggatt) produced a report suggesting that this very dodgy Project had been held up by the Coronavirus…/216f9450850df81e4d2df09c86b… . Actually the real reason is the fall out from our earlier TRRA reports – including how the secret Chinese owners of Landmark AKA notorious Rimbanun Hijau ( e.g.…/abs/10.…/00223344.2015.1060925) were responsible for illegal demolitions which resulted in an asbestos contamination of that area that still remains unresolved almost five years later after apparent TCC and TEL efforts to cover this up (as well as how RH’s partners in this is really another dodgy CCP or Chinese govt agency with a reputation for fraud, corruption and environmental damage almost as bad as RH’s).
Raggatt’s article quotes project manager Warwick Powell (who has long had close links to not only Mayor Hill and much earlier Tony Mooney but cronies like TEL/Keir Steele’s Moya Steele who is actually Powell’s project management partner for RH on their Project application to the Qld government to get protected status to bypass normal environmental impact studies and other related scrutiny. We have put a number of reports which have exposed how Warwick Powell is a former electoral fraudster (from Shepherdson Inquiry) who has also been linked to regular financial fraud or scams as well (see one of these below).
This includes his effort along with other RH rep Simon Lees with dodgy HK based investment banks and “Sino-Australian” companies linked back to not only Guangzhou chapters of the CCP agencies such as the United Front – but also Chinese Belt and Road influencing and spying on Australia which the Australian government has became very concerned about in recent years (e.g. after John Garnaut’s ASIO report about this). See also…/china-spying-wang-liqiang-nick-zh… and…/china-is-seeking-to-take-over…. This was around the time he helped organise Chinese CCCC Director William Sun to come and put motions in process to acquire the Townsville Port and Bluewater Airport and local aquatic farms to be part of their impressive ‘buy-up’ portfolio of cattle stations, mining companies and so on – motions now perhaps close to fruition we hear?
What has really held up this report (aside from the Qld Coordinator General’s processes to approve any such project application – especially really dodgy ones like RH’s application) is the asbestos contamination being unfairly and illegally as well as corruptly being blamed on local resident and farmer Gavin Jepson. After Moya Steele and her legal firm Keir Steele failed to identify their conflicts of interest whilst representing Jepson (and secretly representing Rimbanun Hijau all along in their false claims against Jepson as well as the Qld govt Project application), Jepson appealed an initial judgment by the Qld government agencies blaming him and requiring him to clear up all the asbestos contamination caused by Rimbanun Hijau operatives David Wadley and Warwick Powell. There have been four suspicious adjournments of an application that, if upheld, will bankrupt Jepson and then have to be paid by Australian taxpayers to subsidise how this Project would seem to be part of RH and the Chinese “buy up” and perhaps also ‘take over” of Northern Australia (e.g. Amongst many other examples that could be given, our related reports have identified that with the backing also of Hill’s close TEL colleague JCU’s Sandra Harding, RH have also engineered a secret and suspicious takeover of aquatic farms in the area as well in NQ and around Australia as part of their acquisition of the Australian Export prawn industry at great taxpayer expense yet again).
Powell has never denied our insider witness reports that firstly he organised the destructive illegal fires to burn out fragile habitat at Toolakea and Bluewater in order to fast-track the Project proposal two years ago… just before he then reportedly met with an influential minister in the current Qld govt (an old associate from pre-Shepherdson Inquiry days) to get their inappropriate and possibly corrupt help to fast-track the Proposal two years ago. Clearly Powell is an impatient man – and the Coronavirus fall-out has surely got him worried (as well as some other local as well as foreign cronies ready to also personally profit at local community expense)?
Raggatt knows that his article is a cover up of the secret deals between Mayor Hill and both Rimbanun Hijau and its equally dodgy Chinese government (CCP) parties – all of whom don’t really care for and just trying to sell out the local community and both Qld and Australia more widely. After years of the same its perhaps a bit much to expect Murdoch rag the Bulletin to properly investigate or tell the truth about this. Perhaps how the Coronavirus is making the Australian government more ready to stand up to sinister foreign interests and their profiteering buy-up as well as ‘influencing’ of Australian communities at local expense is making Warwick and his dodgy crony associates really worried that they will lose their opportunity and their commissions, etc? (…/)