The Real Reason for a Case Study
The look I give when a Candidate decides to 'tap out' of a Case Study

The Real Reason for a Case Study

In 2018, I flew to NYC for my final interview with Shutterstock (yep, the multimillion dollar media-tech company), aiming for the US and Canadian Director of Sales leadership position with a $350K+ package. I WANTED THIS JOB!

The Chief Revenue Officer asked me to present a case study on:

  1. My value to the company
  2. The 'problems' I thought the company faced and my solutions (based on my research)
  3. How I’d manage a Sales Division post-merger

I GOT the job! Using this approach, I secured 2 more six-figure Sales Leadership roles.

I understand the frustration of spending hours on a presentation that doesn’t land. But my results were real and based on tried-and-true principles.

For the first time ever, I’m offering my “Ultimate Sales Leader Value Presentation” for just $8.?

Get the step-by-step details I used to land top Sales Leadership roles in 3 different industries included in this newsletter.


"Jordana, I've already done 3 interviews and now they want a Case Study. I'm frustrated and don't want to do it."

I get it.

But before you tap out and say, "I'm done"... here are a few "truths" behind the Case Study (and a link to the one that got me a six-figure job)!

  • They want to "test" if you "REALLY" want the job - Yes, they are testing to see if you drop out or rise to the challenge.
  • They aren't convinced you are the "RIGHT" candidate for the role. Maybe one or two people in the interview process had a disagreement about you and this is a way of seeing if you are the right fit.
  • It's SALES - they want you to SELL them! They need to see your presentation skills, how you convey complex ideas or how succinct you can be when sharing your ideas.

Now here are two HORRIBLE reasons that leaders conduct Case Studies.

  • They want to pass over 'strategy work' to you. Literally getting candidates to build a process or concept out for them - there are ways to challenge this without losing the opportunity - I can help with this.
  • They have an HR PROCESS that mandates it - literally, someone is too afraid to say forget it!

Take this presentation and look for the concepts around People, Process and Infrastructure that will help you in your next Case Study!

Check it out today on my profile as I am only making it available for FREE until the next newsletter!

Let me know if you want more practical guides and downloads!


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