The Real Problem: Looking Beyond bodyfat
Athletic After 40
Want to BE more, DO more, and HAVE more? The way you take care of yourself plays into EVERYTHING. Start building NOW.
Should health and fitness be all about fat loss?
If the answer that popped into your head was a quick "yes!", then I need to respectfully disagree.
And look, it's not lost on me that bodyfat accumulation is the number one complaint for most guys over 40 nowadays.
And it's NOT that I am unaware of the impacts that nutrition and exercise have on delivering a result.
But, where my beliefs diverge from the "normal" ways of thinking is that I DO NOT believe bodyfat is the problem we should be solving for.
If it WAS the real problem...then the tactics are very simple...
Get hungry and stay hungry until the excess is gone.
And if you're like me, you've likely seen the thousands of ads taking up space in your feed from fitness coaches who promise to help someone "Get Shredded in 90 days or Your Money Back".
It's a compelling fat loss doubt.
But what does that really entail?
Well, if I were running a business where that was the promise I gave to my customers, I would work very hard to convince them to get hungry and stay hungry during the time we work together.
The equation is very simple...
The greater the hunger, the faster the fat loss result.
And if the result was not happening fast enough, I'd try and convince them to get hungrier to accelerate the results.
After all, I would not want to have to refund anyone.
And for the compliant customer (Compliance is determined in the "Free Consultation Call" before joining the program), you will inevitably get the result.
And after 90 days, when the results show up...
It's a win for everyone.
The customer wins because they achieved the result and they look much better than when they started. They should also feel accomplished and proud of themselves for getting the results from the hard work they've put in.
The coach wins because he/she gets some amazing before and after pics to use in their marketing for bringing in more compliant, motivated customers.
The Coach could possibly even squeeze a testimonial out of their customer even if the customer feels a bit uncertain about providing a glowing review for a 90-day starvation program they'd never want their loved ones to ever have to go through.
But the sad truth is...for most...the wins for the customer STOP shortly after the program ends.
Why do I say that?
Well, I think we all kind of know where this goes from here.
In fact, statistics show that 80% (not a mistype) of people who lose 20# or more will gain it back (and more) within 12 months.
And look, short-term goal achievements are amazing and should be celebrated.
But do you want to know where the real WINS are?
They are in the long game.
Want to know who I have the MOST respect for?
It's the guy who commits himself to living a more healthful life because he knows that he can serve his family, his community, and the world much better when he comes from a position of great health.
It's the guy who decides to play the long game by building sustainable, effective, and simple habits into his life that allows him to NEVER worry about the undesirable symptoms of poor health like excess bodyfat accumulation.
It's the guy who solves the big problems, like achieving superior health, rather than wasting time and energy on small symptomatic issues.
And although the tactics for addressing this much bigger issue of health are more complicated and require more time than 90 days, these guys understand that it's THE ONLY WAY.
This is why you'll never see me offer someone a chance to lose xx pounds in xxx days.
It's because I don't care about weight least not directly.
What I AM obsessed about (For myself, my Athletes, and my current over 40 clients) is their health.
It's always been my experience that anytime I can help someone build their health, their body no longer holds onto excess bodyfat.
And not only will bodyfat disappear...EVERYTHING gets better.
And if the health habits are simple enough, it's possible to LIVE a healthy, athletic life...for life!!
How did I come up with this contrarian approach?
Two things primarily...
1) I spent 3 years battling cancer and trying to get my health back after deciding to opt out of "normal" treatment.
2) After overcoming my cancer battle, I built a 25-year career around building and developing incredible athletes using a "HEALTH FIRST" approach. Turns out healthy athletes perform much better for much longer. Who would've thought? lol.
Want to discover my "non-mainstream" strategies I've been using on myself and with my clients to help them build healthy, high-performance bodies without ever getting trapped in all the traditional, overly complicated, short-game, normal stuff that everyone else is teaching?
If so, I'd love to invite you to my Free Masterclass where I'll show you how to get all the results you want.
I promise it will be unlike any of the other stuff you have heard and/or seen before.
It's a bit long...90 minutes...but necessary.
To change the world into a healthier place, it's going to take more than macros, calories, and bicep curls.
And if you are someone who values your health and well-being AND you want to escape the craziness of all the old school, repackaged, health, fitness, and nutrition protocols that are constantly being put in front of you from a very non-forward-thinking group of people...
Check out the Masterclass now while it's fresh in your mind.