Real Phone Tricks for April Fool’s Day
Phone humor has been around since Graham Bell invented the device; whether any of it was ever actually funny is up to you to decide.
Here some are real April’s Fool favorite phone jokes.
Every year on April 1, people leave voicemail telling someone that a “Mr. Lyon,” or “Ms. Wolf,” or “Mr. Bear,” or even “Mr. Jim Pansy,” called. The callback number goes to the city zoo. Apparently, phone traffic to zoos gets really heavy that day, so many people find this very funny – it’s been going on at least since 1920.
So popular is this joke that the Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines, Iowa has created special numbers with funny messages for:Ms. Diane Osaurus, 515-974-2670, Ms. Cassie Warrie, 515-974-2672, Mr. Lee Muhr, 515-974-2671, and, believe it or not,Mr. Al Gator. 515-974-2673515-974-2673. Enjoy!
For traditionalists, there is always the old phone joke standby, if your office still has desk phones: Push down the switchhook (the thing the handset sits on) and tape it down. Now put the handset back. When the phone rings, your colleague will pick up the handset, but the phone will keep ringing…side-splitting!
Here’s a more high-tech alternative that’s become popular: Download an app called “Remote Mouse” from either the iPhone App store or Google Play. When your friend isn’t looking, download it from the Remote Mouse website to his or her computer. When your friend sits down at the keyboard to work, move his screen to Google, and search for big scary insects or something else the person probably doesn’t like…hilarious!
If you’ve made it through to this point, you are probably wondering what there is about the telephone that could possibly make people engage in this kind of behavior?
Well, it all started in 1884, eight years after the first-ever phone call was made. A group of comedians in Providence, Rhode Island started calling up undertakers, telling them to pick up a body at a certain address. Arriving, the undertakers found…can you guess… everyone still alive.
We haven’t gotten very far uphill since then.