Real News July Week 4 2023
Due to a shortage of interpreters in the court system, some Aboriginal defendants face serious allegations without having had them explained in their own language, according to a report.
Natalie Siegel-Brown, Romlie Mokak: The results are in, and they are not great. The Productivity Commission recently reported that some life outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are the same as before, some have marginally improved and a number are worse, like children being removed from the care of their family, adults incarcerated and people dying by suicide. Only four of the 19 targets in the National Agreement on Closing the Gap are on track to be met.
Gina Rushton: It’s past time for Labor to insist public hospitals to offer terminations as part of their Commonwealth funding arrangements.
A former refugee wants Canberra to support a Royal Commission of Inquiry into Australia's handling of offshore processing practices.
Peter Whiteford: Splitting households into hard done by taxpayers and dependent welfare recipients led to a catastrophic failure
The Northern Territory becomes the last jurisdiction in the country to remove the word "relationship" from child sexual abuse legislation, a move praised by advocate Grace Tame.
Lise Lafferty et al: When Geoff* left prison after his sentence ended, he was told he would be provided with help to return to the community and get on with this new chapter in life.
A Senate Inquiry has heard consent laws need to be the same across the different states and territories to ensure there are consistent rules to stop rape and sexual assault. Advocates and organisations have told the inquiry better consent training and sex education is also needed.
Australians have added six years to their life expectancy since 1990 – a world-leading increase – but some measurements paint a less rosy picture of the nation’s health.
Australian governments must end the use of forced restraints and restrictive practices against people with disability, a new report says
Pope Francis has told a young transgender person that "God loves us as we are", his latest outreach gesture towards the LGBT community.
The shocking murder-suicide of a woman in South Guildford at the hands of her ex-partner on Thursday is tragically one in a long list of horrific domestic murders and brutal attacks inflicted by men their victims should have been able to trust.
It’s unlikely we’ll look back on the way we drink today and raise a glass to our good health.
There is no single reason why humans fall in love, but the causes of relationship breakdowns are more clear-cut. Three women speak about love, clarity and their road to independence.
Record number of complaints caused by rising financial stress combined with relentless battle against scammers.
The Federal Court of Australia has ordered Diverse Link to pay a civil penalty for breaching the country's Interactive Gambling Act.
A new report from campaign group Everybody's Home finds 80 per cent of renters are spending more than a third of their income on housing.
Australia’s national housing crisis could be fixed should Labor agree to adopt a wild new pitch to overhaul taxes.
Have you ever wondered why Australia's immigration levels have gone up and up but we've never really had a debate about whether this is in the national interest.
Funding to help nations eliminate lead paint and other sources of exposure would avert millions of deaths and one trillion dollars a year in income loss.
Australia has just legalised psilocybin and MDMA for treating depression and PTSD, but is the health profession ready?
Development on the edges of wildlife habitat have long created conflicts between people and animals. New studies say climate change is also a factor.
Fire ants are breaching their containment zones in Queensland and a recently-discovered nest was the closest one has ever been to the NSW border. There could be devastating consequences if they cross.
Shadow minister says leak of ‘sensitive’ information after research into the Optus and Medibank hacks was ‘deeply ironic’
The Federal Court hears Meta used a free security?app promoted as protecting data but the tech giant used it to find out "nearly everything" users were doing on their devices.
Each year, millions of Shiite Muslims flock to Karbala in Iraq to mourn Imam Hussein. So what does Ashura mean to them??
Jacob Lupfer: The church has failed when only the prosperous feel welcome.
From how clean your recycling needs to be to how many donated clothes are actually resold —?can you sort your waste?facts from fiction.
Maya Rommwatt: As we create policies and incentives to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, we have a plastic-shaped hole in our vision.
Richard Tanter: What do the governments of other US allies, including Hungary, Norway, the Philippines, and the former puppet government of Afghanistan, possess that Australian governments do not? The answer is a conception of genuine sovereignty, and obligations to transparency that are foreign to Australian governments, particularly the incumbent Albanese government.
The government says new changes would closes a legal "loophole", offering more than 850000 casuals who work regular hours a new pathway to...
Kim Kiely and Mitiku Hambisa: Our analysis of change in life expectancy, health transitions and working patterns of more than 10,000 middle-aged Australians over the past two decades shows divergences in the number of years they can expect be in good health at work and in retirement.