Real Men Wear Pink- Big Success!
Such a great honor to be chosen as a Tampa Bay Ambassador for this amazing cause. Proud to have raised awareness and $$ for this great group . #realmenwearpink. Thx to @tierraverdeliving and Melanie Coleman Simon for publishing this. Please consider donating to our amazing group through the Holidays!…
Real Men Wear Pink of
Real Men Wear Pink = Men Fighting Breast Cancer
Breast cancer affects everyone women and men. That's why we're recruiting men to fight breast cancer through Real Men Wear Pink. This distinguished group of community leaders is determined to raise awareness and money to support the American Cancer Society's mission and save more lives than ever before from breast cancer.
The Power of Pink
Every dollar raised helps the American Cancer Society save lives from breast cancer through early detection and prevention, innovative breast cancer research, and patient support. Thanks to the passion of our Real Men Wear Pink supporters, we're able to make a huge impact on the mission to end breast cancer.