The real meaning of PhilanthroWealth

The real meaning of PhilanthroWealth

If you did not know, I recently merged my long-time company and brand, Wealth DynamX, with a company called PhilanthroInvestors and we are now PhilanthroWealth. I am the CEO of PhilanthroWealth and my mission in life is to create a worldwide net worth of wealthy philanthropists who restore life essentials and promote human welfare.

But in order to accomplish that, I think it’s important to understand what PhilanthroWealth actually means.

Philanthro comes from the word philanthropy, which is defined as “the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.”

This is essentially the desire to help others and doing so by way of financial means.

You can be a PhilanthroDonor (someone who donates money to restore life essentials and promote human welfare).

Or you can be a PhilanthroInvestor (someone who invests in assets and opportunities that restore life essentials and promote human welfare and can generate a financial return).

Or you can be a PhilanthroBanker (someone who sets up a personal banking system that restores life essentials and promotes human welfare).

Or even a PhilanthroNeur (an entrepreneur who has an idea for a business that restores life essentials and promotes human welfare).

But all of them have a root in this term Philanthro, which comes from Philanthropy.

The root of the word Philanthropy comes from Greek and means “man loving” or “to love human beings”.

This means that PhilanthroWealth has a distinct root in the innate love for our fellow man. This is the separating factor.

Now what about this word Wealth? I’ve talked about this a lot before, but I personally define wealth as “abundance & prosperity in all dynamics of life”. This is why I called my original company Wealth DynamX, because it stressed that wealth goes beyond just money and into the realm of living life in all dynamics, areas or aspects with abundance & prosperity.

And it’s funny, but in the dictionary, there are two definitions of wealth that are not really used anymore. One of them literally defines wealth as “happiness” and the other defines it as “wellbeing & prosperity”.

The word wealth traces back to middle English and comes from “well” or “weal” is actually in the same origin path as the word “health”. When to trace it back even further, it goes to the origin of “to wish”.

What does all of this amount to?

PhilanthroWealth is the kind of wealth that allows us to live lives of abundance & prosperity in all dynamics, to restore life essentials on this planet and to promote the welfare of our fellow man.

I like to say that I am building a PhilanthroWorld, which is a growing global community of PhilanthroBankers, PhilanthroInvestors and PhilanthroDonors working together to live lives of abundance & prosperity in all dynamics, to restore the life essentials on this planet and to promote human welfare.

In fact, I believe it is the lack of this that gives wealth a bad name. When you survey the average, everyday person and ask them what their thoughts are on wealth, almost unanimously you are going to hear the reason they’d like to have it (personal gain) and also the reason why it’s not that important for them to have (because money isn’t everything and it can’t buy happiness and it’s the evil billionaires who are ruining this planet).

Well, what if we took wealth back to its original definitions? What if it meant “happiness”? What if it meant “wellbeing & prosperity”? Who in their right mind would tell you “happiness can’t buy happiness”? Or “wellbeing & prosperity isn’t everything”? It sounds ridiculous, but the fact is, these are the true definitions of wealth.

And what if we added this phrase Philanthro to it and we clarified that this is for people who wish to not only be happy, well and prosperous, but those who wish for a world where life essentials are restored and human welfare is widely promoted and improving?

I don’t know a single good-hearted person who wouldn’t want that.

Are there ill-intentioned people on this planet who would disagree? Sure. But the reality is that’s probably less than 20% of the population and even less are those who will actively fight against this wish. Which means there are about 80% of us who can band together and make it happen.

Instead of focusing on the few evil billionaires who have bad intentions and happened to figure out how money works so they could build financial wealth and use it for evil, let’s focus on understanding how money works ourselves so we can simply drown them out with our good intentions and the financial resources we’ve built together.

With this, I want to invite you to join the PhilanthroWorld.

It starts with simply having the wish for a life of abundance & prosperity in all dynamics, for the life essentials on this planet to be restored, and to have an innate love for mankind.

It’s followed by action.

For some this means learning and getting educated first on how money works. Because the stark reality is, you can’t really help us create this PhilanthroWorld if you’re sidelined because you’re paycheck to paycheck or deeply in debt.

For others this means becoming a PhilanthroBanker, a PhilanthroInvestor, or a PhilanthroDonor.

And ultimately it means working together because we will not achieve this alone.

If you’re interested in taking those steps, I invite you to start by learning more about it. Grab a copy of my book The Blueprint to Financial Freedom below so that you can start on the path to building PhilanthroWealth.

Be more. Do good. Jerry Fetta

CEO of PhilanthroWealth

My mission in life is to help create a world-wide community of wealthy philanthropists who work together to restore life essentials and promote human welfare. Concepts like the one I am teaching about today are tools and education meant to help accomplish that aim. So, if you’re a good person who wants to join me in this mission, I can use all the help I can get. Email my team at

If you’re a follower of mine and have not read my book The Blueprint to Financial Freedom yet, that is the place to start. This book covers the specifics for each level in the various chapters and you can grab the book for FREE as my gift.

Click here to get a copy!

Jerry Fetta is the CEO of PhilanthroWealth. He has achieved financial independence by the age of 31, built a multi-7-figure financial education and coaching firm, was named an Inc 5000 Top 100 fastest growing financial firm in the U.S. and is a nationally recognized financial expert featured in Forbes, Yahoo Finance, Fox, Chicago Weekly News, New York Finance, interviewed on hundreds of podcasts with world renowned experts, earning endorsements and affiliations throughout his career with names like Kevin O’Leary, Grant Cardone, Dave Ramsey, and Pamela Yellen.

Learn more at

(DISCLAIMER: The information in this content should not be considered tax, financial, investment, or any kind of professional advice. Only a professional diagnosis of your specific situation can determine which strategies are appropriate for your needs. PhilanthroWealh can and does not provide advice unless/until engaged by you.)


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