The Real Meaning of Emotional Intelligence & Why You Need It
DR. LANRE OLUSOLA (The Catalyst)
Transformational Leadership Coach | Harvard Certified Organizational Change Expert | Best-Selling Author | Global Catalyst | Board Member | Chairman, Life Coaches Association of Nigeria.
“Only when you combine sound intellect with emotional discipline do you get rational behavior” – Warren Buffett
Do you know that a person’s emotions can affect his or her productivity level? Research suggests that Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence together, are responsible for as much as 85% of the success in our lives.
EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE is two words put together to describe a narrative: The Intelligence humans display based on our understanding or lack of understanding of our Emotions.
To really capture the real meaning of Emotional Intelligence, we first need to understand each word separately and then secondly together. An emotion is a subjective, conscious experience characterized by psycho physiological expressions, biological reactions and mental states.
Our emotions are often characterised by our feelings which to a large extent reveal our thoughts, values and beliefs. Our emotions are responsible for our motivations, whether negative or positive.
“EMOTIONS express themselves within a spectrum” - The Catalyst
What is Intelligence?
- Intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
- Intelligence is the ability to deal with new or trying situations: It is the skilled use of reason.
- Intelligence is the collection and timely use of information of military, political or other value.
So what is Emotional Intelligence? According to - Freedman et al, "Emotional Intelligence is a way of recognizing, understanding, and choosing how we think, feel, and act. It shapes our interactions with others and our understanding of ourselves. It defines how and what we learn; it allows us to set priorities; It determines the majority of our daily actions”.
Emotional Intelligence is an essential part of a whole person. It is the ability to identify and manage your feelings and the emotional state of others. Emotions drive people, people drive performance. A person going through depression or stress will produce little or no output; this is why emotional intelligence is a necessity in every work environment.
For an individual to be able to produce great results, his or her emotions have a major role to play, in how they perform and get results. In fact, our conscious self does not participate, or even witness what in our mind triggers an emotion at a particular moment. Most people are ignorant of the energy that flows from them. We do not have much control over what we become emotional about, but it is possible, though not easy, to make some changes in what triggers our feelings and how we behave when we are emotional.
The first step is to IDENTIFY the hot sensitive triggers that lead us to act in ways that we subsequently regret. By learning the triggers for each emotion, we may be able to lessen their impact, or at least learn why some emotional triggers are so powerful.
Question: Can I independently measure my EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE (EQ)?
Answer: YES you can if you have the right tools to and the right understanding and interpretation of the results. At the Olusola Lanre Coaching Academy, we have several EQ component measurement tools and tests such as:
1) The Emotional Intelligence Quotient Test
2) The SPEAR Test
3) The Social Competence Test
4) The Self-Motivation and Inspiration Quotient Test
5) The Self-Regulation and Responsibility Quotient Test
6) The D.A. M.E Test for the Assessment of your Self Discovery; Awareness; Mastery; Expression Quotients
You can take these tests from wherever you are at the Catalyst Tests platform, Here
Your emotional state, determines the quality of your life.
Call 08077077000 or send an email to [email protected] for details on our upcoming Emotional Intelligence Masterclass this July!