Real Madrid - Ayax

Real Madrid - Ayax

Good evening ladies and gentlemen !

Today in Madrid, at 21:00, the football game starts between the very corrupt Spanish club - Real Madrid (Mars) and not yet known for its scuba diving and current, the club from Holland - Ajax (Venus).

During the time of the aristocrat, caudillo Franco, who created this club - Real Madrid, if he found out that his players agree to sell their abilities to another club, such as communist Barcelona, believe, these players would have long ago pulled a strap somewhere in the Caribbean galleys the seas!

The ascendant at the time of the game is 14 degrees Deva and it says that the remaining time of 64 minutes on this sign for the game is not enough and the game will go under the patronage of Venus Libra sign.

What can be said about this combination in the game?

Venus as the mistress of 1 house is shown in Capricorn 4 houses in the 11th degree of his and this position is good because the female planets in this house of the horoscope are very strong if not for one * But *

This * But * is aggravated by the fact that Venus in Navams is located in Aries 7 at home, which greatly weakens its position.

But let's see the position of Real Madrid under this sky blue Spanish territory.

Real Madrid is now shown by Mars in its Aries sign (that is, it receives a delegation of Dutch sports) and has 19 degrees in the sign, but it still has the Achilles' heel on Navamse Deva at 12 destructive houses (this says that he will get an own goal)!

Even the Sun being in Aquarius - also has its Navamsa in Aries!

As I don’t want Real Madrid to win, but the combination of planets is such that it makes no sense to deny the power of Real (Mars)!

It's hard to say that there will be a draw ...


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