Real-Life Twilight Zone
A week or so ago I posted about something that seems to highlight how wrong both sides are politically...
Last week a canvaser for the left, wrong side came to the house and demanded that I tell them who I was voting for in this election. That was bad enough, but to highlight their wrong-sidedness, they came to a door at my house, nowhere near the door at the driveway - where cars are parked; not even the backdoor. They came to a door that clearly no one ever uses as indicated by the overgrown shrubs, and unlit entrance. No one - no mailman; no delivery person; no service person - has ever come to that door in the two years that I have been here. If Buster had not heard them knock, and barked, I would not have known they were there...
LOL, Tonight a canvaser for the right, wrong side CAME TO THE EXACT SAME DOOR. Again, if Buster had not heard them knock, and barked, then I would not have known that they were there...
If this is the level of those that are supporting either wrong side, then we as a country are in great trouble no matter who wins - because those that support each of them are clearly oblivious to the world around them.