People at the helm of affairs don't sit on a chair with rose petals but sharp thorns. As a person managed to help the topmost person in an organization, I share this real-life incident. This incident had happened when I was attached to a General Manager looking after projects. Of course, the person sitting at the top is also very close to me at that time. Lemme narrate the incident as it happened.

My GM had a phone call and after attending the same, he became gloomy. Normally he would start shaking his head mildly with closed eyes - means something happened rubbish hampering an on-going project. I asked, "what happened Sir". Nothing Ganesh, you know our pipelining contractor XXXXX - he is blacklisted it seems by our Management and he said he was prevented from entering our factory by the Security.

"Why Sir, he is such a good and expert contractor extending flawless service to our organization for quite a long time!! I don't know, I have to enquire as to who has taken this sudden decision without considering the repercussions.

In the afternoon he called me with a giggle (it is his usual mannerism before narrating something silly). I understood that he has ascertained the reason. Payment for previous works was delayed to the Contractor black-listed (as usual on many occasions due to financial crunch) and when he went and asked the Finance Chief, he was replied scantly (may be, the contractor would have rubbed him at the wrong time). Some hot exchange of words did follow between the two and Finance Chief said, 'GET OUT you rascal''. The contractor was a youth and local big shot belonging to a dominant community and hence made few verbal threats to FC who is from other State.

Infuriated by this, FC went straight to Unit Chief and emotionally charged him who asked the FC to issue a letter blacklisting the contractor at once. Now, my dear friends, the incident can be understood by anyone who read this article and opine that the decision is correct. Whereas not a strategic one. Right?

Here comes the role of a Strategic Leader who never gets carried away by the wrath and displeasure of his subordinates to take an instantaneous decision without considering the grave consequences detrimental to the ongoing project.

My GM (Projects) told me Ganesh, good number of pipes are lying at the workshop of the contractor for glass lining and if they are not received at the scheduled time, the project would get delayed, and the commissioning of the plant will also be delayed causing delay in production of the new product.

When my top boss from Head Office asks for the delay, I have to cite this ugly squabble and rope in my boss and colleague helplessly.

Okay, what would have been the decision of a strategic leader under this circumstance?

  1. Listen patiently the FC and assure him of suitable action soon. This will calm him down for the moment and enhance his respect for his boss.
  2. Call the technical heads who are all connected to this contractor for a discussion and know the pending jobs by him.
  3. Call the contractor to know his version about the entire episode. In case the FC has rubbed him wrongly and the contractor also reacted to it sharply, a conciliation can be done to make them friends once again.
  4. In case the contractor is found at fault, the technical chiefs concerned may be asked to expedite the urgent jobs and then a letter of blacklisting the contractor can be issued.
  5. To avoid communal coloring given to the entire issue, PR Department can be involved to apprise the local community big brothers.

Instead of strategically approaching the issue, the unit head simply took a decision to appease the FC setting aside the implications involved.

Therefore, a Strategic Leadership is nothing but Thinking, Acting and influencing everyone across the organization strategically.

Thanks & regards my dear friends.

Seeking your valuable comments.


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