Real Life Conspires Against Positive Change

Real Life Conspires Against Positive Change

"What gets us into not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain

As we dive into our own worlds today...keep in mind that real life conspires against positive change.

That means that real life fights against progress, prosperity, goals, and achievement.? Any positive change you engage in will likely be resisted in one way or another. ?So, how do you break through it?? Good question.? The answer lies inside a particular mindset that anyone can embrace.

Mindset one ACCEPT. ?Accept the fact that real life conspires against positive change. ?Remember that it doesn't fight us, it fights positive efforts. You just happen to be attached to the effort.? ?Important distinction. Examples are everywhere. If we need to get somewhere and need that intersection stoplight to stay green, it’s gonna turn red. Accept it.?If you're at a red light and you need to grab something from the glove box, it’s gonna turn green. It's just the way life is set up. Accept it.? Don’t fight it.? Accept it.? Eases your tension.

Mindset two IDENTIFY PATTERNS OF IT. ?This can be quality entertainment.? Look for the frequency patterns of how/when the conspiracy episodes pop up to frustrate you, get under your skin.?Looking for the patters helps us reduce the stress as we stabilize acceptance and understanding. I get frustrated tying my shoes. Stupid shoestrings. Can't possibly be anything I'm doing. Can't possibly be me. Gotta be the shoestrings. Maybe I'm in a hurry, tying my shoes too fast? Maybe my belly is too big and I can't see the strings. Like rust eating a nail, the conspiracy prompts us to lash out, blame something or someone.? Winners know. Blaming and yelling is easier than holding your tongue and taking responsibility. Rise above that. Identify the patterns.? Embrace the notion. Smile at it.

"Those that stop blaming others and seek to solve their own problems in a sensible calm way...move forward. They know these things"

Mindset three REALIZE. Realize the fact that we cause our own problems in life. Yes I said it. We cause our own problems. ?

“The fault dear Brutus, lies not in our stars but in ourselves” -Julius Caesar Act I Scene II

When we look at others it's easy for us to say and to see, "You're causing your own problems bro." The ease comes because we're not emotionally attached to the observations nor to the fear, hesitation, outcomes. When the situation belongs to someone else we're more objective as we appraise their state of being. Keeping that in mind, examine yourself next. Remember, the most difficult analysis is self analysis. I can attest to this truth through bitter experience. Happy or not happy, we are all living the lives we've designed for ourselves. Our lives grow and we will benefit as we realize and accept that notion. The final life design that comes from us causing our own problems gradually forms itself over time. And remember, our current state of life is underpinned by the words we sent out, negative or positive energy we transmitted, decisions we made, people we hung around, the values we employed, and actions we took. All that can be changed if you're willing to change it. The moment we accept total responsibility for everything in our lives is the moment we claim the power to change anything in our lives. Sets you free. If we look close enough, we will realize that we do cause our own problems.? Any opportunity here?

Mindset four TAKE ACTION NOW and DEAL WITH this new opportunity. Individuals that take action to seize opportunity usually come out ahead. Don't procrastinate like many others do. Take positive action and keep yourself on a positive trajectory. It works. Expect ridicule, but champions stay steadfast, navigate obstacles, work hard, they're compassionate towards others, and they don't make many excuses. You've likely noticed this group. Join them.

In summary, "Real life conspires against positive change" is a concept that rains down upon us all. It's not what happens to us, it's how we respond to what happens to us. Slow down today. Seek God's wisdom. Trust your instincts. Ponder your values. Do something to help others. Eat right. Exercise. Breathe. Look at what's happening around you.

You likely already know what you need to do.

Do it.?



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